
You're awesome.

I'm seeing a lot of people not digging on the wives, sisters, daughters portion, but I don't see it as patriarchal so much as the nature of language. The ad is intended for men, and about sexual violence against women. These are the words referring to female relatives.

You sound dumb.

I just get tired of people saying I don't need makeup

Excellent! May I suggest 6b.: "You might think your girlfriend/wife isn't wearing makeup, but she's actually wearing some very artfully-applied makeup. Men are so clueless."

What I've found is that a lot of guys who think they're looking at "natural" girls/women are actually looking at girls/women with light or very natural-looking makeup, like what you said. Some light foundation, powder, or tinted moisturizer, mascara, maybe a little blush.

I don't live in New York. I live in Arizona and I made $15k last year working at a radio station so if you think that's privileged than you come help me pay my bills. Your rant was ugly and stupid because, yes you used nasty words about women and because you made everything a black and white (and I don't mean race)

I've got some really lovely acne scarring underneath my makeup. People who have the luxury of nice-ish skin don't get the judgement that someone with deep red and purple blotches on their face get. Oh you don't need makeup, they say on a day I'm covered in foundation.

Hear hear, we have this debate monthly and it is so tiresome and predictable. The same exact comments and responses are given each time;

They may have thought they looked better makeup-free because the models in that article have perfect skin and good features without it. When makeup only adds to the face, rather than concealing imperfections, it's easy to say the au naturel looks good. But what about when you use makeup to hide bad features. Case and

Lenny Kravitz with the gold eyeliner in the Hunger Games. YES AND YES.

BB cream, FTW.

17 and I wear black winged eyeliner with pretty much everything and if my outfits all black (more often than not), hell I'll add some vampy red lipstick. Honey badger don't give a shit, I'm trynna look like a witch not your girl next door homie.

We know! Because on every article about makeup, women who don't wear makeup are seemingly compelled to inform us of their makeup-free status. To be honest, you're getting to be like vegans about it.

breaking news 20 year old women are attractive!!

Please, people who wear no makeup, tell us how you're so much better than people who do!

Look, I hate on hipsters as much as the next guy, but where in her "namedropping Greenpoint" did you think she was somehow claiming "street cred?" Seems to me like she was answering the questions, which was "where do you live." I feel like you are reacting not at all to what you actually saw, but lashing out at past

Umm... You do realize that this was entirely scripted, and that those people in the video are just actors playing characters and reciting lines, right? You do realize that?

Internet hugs for being an angry psychopath who hates women? And please see your therapist. Time for a refill on the "keeps me from stabbing people" pills.

Your logic is backwards. She didn't say Sterling's wealth would follow in the wake, she said career, and intentionally. If Silver forces him to sell (which is the outside edge of what could happen, but still possible), then his career as an NBA owner would end. He would still be rich as all evil fuck, but his career