
It was the Dance for your Life portion in the Semi-Final. It was just his chance to show the audience what he could do for the Final rather than a routine. Basically to do exactly what he did. This is the third time I've watched and I'm still gobsmacked.

I disagree. For sure his gymnastics were awesome, but he had a lot of style that gymnasts never have. You see gymnasts dance and their hands are weirdly flexed and their toes aren't pointed at the right time and they don't initiate movement in their stomach, and they don't understand that the "transitions" are just

It's been a long LONG time since I danced competitively, but I'd be real surprised if he didn't spend the last few years in a pretty serious ballet program.

When he opened with the backhandspring, I was like, NOPE THAT'S NOT DANCE THAT'S GYMNASTICS. But then he did everything else and I was like, Oh...carry on, you crazy genius.

He has great strength, flexibility and athleticism, and was fun to watch. The bottom line is he turned in an impressive performance *for the show*, which is the important thing here. As a classical dancer? I can't judge by this few seconds. What he is doing is not really what you might look for in classical

Ummm who cares?! It's such a bummer reading comments on SYTYCD by dancers pointing out all the problems and complaining about flashiness etc. This is an awesome performance! Who decides that technical perfection is better than big "omg" moves? They both seem awesome and hard and "dance" is such an incredibly diverse

Montana. Catcalling is few and far between, (in my experience at least) and while it does happen, my friends are apparently just prettier than I am :)

Alright, fine. This is as good a place as any. Let's go on the trip. Rape culture, not all men are like that, not all women are like that, generalizing genders this, discriminating without cause that, rightfully afraid because x, exaggerating dangers of y... the whole darn thing. Let me walk you through my head

As someone else mentioned, by the time it got to Canada, the breast cancer awareness cause wasn't even tacked on to these anymore. I got nominated, but ignored it. When I got called out on it, I simply replied "I'm not a joiner". There have also been dudes I'm Facebook friends trying to be supportive or whatever

Wait, are they actually in court? Because your language seems to indicate that they are, but there is no evidence of a lawsuit on either side.

I think Juan Pablo, when he started the show, did it to become famous and for all the perks/paid appearances that happen after the show is over. He understood that the show itself wasn't going to make him a millionaire, and he was banking on Dancing with the Stars etc. But then things went awry with a combination of

To anyone who watched the show, it's clear JP is not a "catch." But it was also clear to me how much the show threw him under the bus and intentionally demonized him. Even the editing for the finale reflected the show's spin — they typically play grand, romantic music, do interviews do get sound bytes of the bachelor

"I'm not just an object," said the woman who signed up with a gaggle of other women to vie for the attention of one man on a prime time television show. . . .

He should just constantly wear a neon sign of "THIS BITCH" with an arrow pointing down to his head.

Pheonix, you might be surprised that Indian people don't really consider themselves Asian, and are usually offended by being lumped in as "Asian".

Canada Post delivers.

That ref should lose her job for costing Canada the zone there.

I keep reading it as "management"

Pretty sure we did win them. We'll be winning these too. Or coming second to Norway because fuck, does every baby get a pair of skis in Norway?

Americans, have your sex idiots. We'll keep our sexy intelligent Olympians here in Canada. They can speak French and English.