ThatProject realize that you just admitted you think Destiny's Child made catchy music. I know this was just a lazy attempt at trolling, but still. I've come to expect better from you.

Nah, pretty sure it's just your general lack of punctuation and tween spelling tendencies. The name just doesn't really make any sense, but hey u do u.

Well that I completely agree with, except that I still think it's wholly reasonable to nix the program anyway. To be honest, I'm surprised university hockey even exists above a recreational league level considering the possible liability. I would hazard a guess that some junior players must filter into university

You should look up the Junior Hockey Bible that they mention in the article above and give it a read through (or really, really don't). Maybe they don't all participate in that shit, but they all know what's going on, and they've sure as hell all read it and joke about in the locker rooms along with the actual

Also, I have to ask, do you really think that using privacy settings on social media is "fear-mongering"?

I never said there was anything wrong with sharing it publicly. Everyone gets to decide this for themselves (except for the kids, whose parents have made the decision for them). I was just pointing out that there are possible repercussions that parents should consider before wallpapering the internet with pictures of

I obviously can't speak for the other commenter, only my interpretation. Personally, I wasn't talking about "making it easier" for a real world rapist, because I don't think porn sites create rapists. I'm talking about making it easier for a stranger on the internet to wank off to my personal photos (I don't have

...but you really can just stop at sharing photos publicaly. This isn't a slippery slope. Privacy settings exist on social media for a reason. It doesn't mean the information will never get out, but it is the equivalent of locking your front door to keep out a burglar. There are other ways in, but that doesn't mean

Is this really victim-blaming though? She isn't suggesting kids shouldn't be allowed to walk around in their skivvies all day long because predators, but specifically about posting pictures of your child on public social media platforms. I should be able to walk around all day long in the shortest skirt in the history

Wouldn't the natural extrapolation of this be just not posting pictures of your (the royal your) children on social media? Which at the end of the day maybe wouldn't be the worst thing to happen in the history of the universe (of social media). I don't have kids so who knows, maybe some day I will go nutty for this

How is this article dishonest? The author is reporting the alleged reason Dov was chucked out by AA, not claiming that Irene Morales is some sort of walking saint who only speaks the truth. And really I'm using "reporting" loosely here because this is really just a lazy paraphrasing of the New York Post article that's

Thanks for the recommendation, sounds like an interesting read! I like this metaphor of a crooked room, it sounds like it could apply to a lot of problems in the world today. And for the record, I "saw the room was crooked" before I commented/after working my way through the more informative comments on the thread.

How would you distinguish between "well known" and "universally well known"? I'm assuming you mean "well known in America", which is exactly my point. You (and others) have attacked people on this thread on the grounds that there is a well known history behind this. It may be well known to you, but it is not well

I am in no way defending JackfreakingBauer here (who seems to have enjoyed a lovely evening trolling this thread), but it's a bit unfair to claim here in internet-land that the history behind this word is universally well known. I was really confused at first about how I could have been so blissfully ignorant about

Not trying to be a know-it-all (because before I made it this far down in the thread I probably would have agreed with you) but I just discovered this myself via this thread:…

I could understand that reaction if the hashtag was #Yesallmen...but #Yesallwomen isn't a blanket statement about all men (it's actually the complete opposite of that). I'm not denying that these sorts of generalizations are made – because they are and they are unfair – but that's not what this hashtag is about.

Holding a private opinion is not a form of oppression...but sharing it publicly is. If this was a matter of let's say race instead of gender identity/sexual orientation, you wouldn't be throwing around the N-word or claiming racial supremacy on internet fora and claiming "it's just my opinion, I don't mean any harm"

I've definitely heard similar tales from down south, and I think I would lose my mind if I lived somewhere like Spain!! But I'm way up in Denmark where there's a pretty deeply entrenched feeling of gender equality (blame Socialism?). Also, people just don't really talk or interact with strangers here (cat-calling or

Seconded! I live in Denmark, and the closest we get to this is the occasional person quietly standing with pamphlets in the street. Sometimes they have a small table set up with free coffee where you can voluntarily join them for a chat about Jesus, although I've never actually seen anyone take them up on this (they

Dude, I was quoting the comment of the poster above. Read the parts I bolded. I didn't outright agree with everything they said, so go yell at that kid to get off your lawn. Jeez