
It's because most hollywood writers are fucking lazy. Lazy writing equals characters who are only plot devices. That goes for men and women, and when you have a larger ratio of male leads in our current culture due to the influx of the action genre, then you will get those lazy ass writers writing their lazy ass

No kidding! Also available in Denmark?! I feel like Canada has been blacklisted...IS THIS BIEBER DISCRIMINATION?...because in this case, proceed.

I didn't have any trouble reading the handwriting? Also, the paste is still applied so this isn't the final result. But way to find an angle for being a Debbie Downer all over this pile of awesome!

You...are a more patient person than I. Kudos.

Yah, this is what I don't get – how did she miss them?? I've spent my fair share of time driving on rural Ontario roads at 1:30am, and with high beams I don't know how you could miss 3 kids riding abreast in front of you unless you were a) not looking (i.e. texting or day dreaming or whatever) or b) coming up over a

I've followed this season of SYTYCDAU, and he's presented as a contemporary dancer, although they don't give any details about past training, etc.

Not a dance expert (at all), but I've followed this season of SYTYCDAU, and Michael is a contemporary dancer. Does pointed toes and hand positioning apply to someone from a contemporary background who's been given the assignment/freedom to dance basically however he wants in an effort to win audience votes?

I think you're totally right about gaining understanding through listening to those who have been there, but I read this more as a train of thought piece from an ally that is constantly attacked on Jez for basically not understanding, and instead of anyone cooling their jets long enough to share their own experiences,

Isn't butt *selfies* a new trend though? Or is plastering social media with pictures of your derriere something that's been going on for a long time and I've just been blissfully unaware until I read this article? To me this article is barf-worthy not because it's some kind of glorification of trendy body parts,

Big butts are nothing new as a fashion trend in the white people camp: Bustles were basically the 1880's answer to butt implants

Agreed! I totally thought it would end up being for Planned Parenthood or something.

Something in my Canadian upbringing always led me to make this distinction too, however my boyfriend is from India and whenever I try to seperate India from Asia (i.e. "I prefer Asian foods, but I like Indian too"), he asks how much attention I was paying during geography class. So I guess not all Indians!

Agreed. Does it not look like she's massaging his shoulders too?!

Actually, the Armenian church still celebrates Christmas on January 6th, so that's fully legit & available for co-opting. However, as a Canadian, I feel like I should at least offer our Thanksgiving as another option. Although it is on a Monday, and I fear that Black Friday might turn into Black Week, basically

Sigh...I knew shouldn't have clicked that last one. But I have to say, it might have been worth it just for the "male-chauvinist piglet" dig.

Not gonna lie, I thought this was an overly picky snark about the misspelling of "Pandemonium", but then I thought maybe it actually is called "Pandamonium" as some sort of throwback to the former annual Panda Bowl when CU still had a football team (it's not). So I Googled it...and now I am an unwilling expert about

WTF A GG! That just gave me serious frosh flashback.

I have noooo idea – I was confused, and I already knew the story behind it...!


Haha, well to be honest I've heard Ottawa pronounced just about every way possible (and a few that seem impossible). Actually, same goes for Toronto (my favourite being Tor-AH-na)