

This is hilarious since this is the same organization that lets Maldonado race.

Maybe I’ll trade my M6GC in for this...

Even better, chicane stop bus.

I would expect nothing less from a car whose entire development — from the very beginning stages — involved regular beatings with the ugly stick.

And then the British electricians hooked up the wiring harness without a multimeter.

I bet her arm knows the perfect amount if torque needed.

You can find more on his column on

Crouching Mazda, flying Car.

Does anybody read these articles?

From this very article:

Just because you suck at them doesn’t mean other people don’t.

Why does it always have to be Peggle and JRPGs for you?

Does that mean he’s not coming on then?

Building with legos adds a sense of danger which I like the idea of.

Do they make Brown Legos?

“This is the way the dream of the Toyobaru turbo fanboy ends, not with a whoosh, but a whimper.” 

a light bulb went off

Drive in reverse

Hijack! I love “pretty blue” cars.

That’s horrible, just think of all the millions of “little deaths” that occur there everyday.