Sorry, I think you confused "women" with "people" in this post. You must be one of those silly lady-types!
Honestly I am a hard-line end-the-wars and funnel that money into education and social programs in the US. Our country is a fucking disaster right now and it has to do 100% with lobbyists and greedy fucks profiting from war siphoning all of the tax dollars to bullshit that doesn't aid anyone who needs help. I would be…
There no people who care about babies less than these people.
He doesn't give a shit. Anti-choice trolls lie like they breathe.
Comparing it to torture? But they don't have any problems with torture.
He knows where that number comes from; he pulled it out of his ass.
The "If You Vote Against This Policy You Are a Serial Killer who Kicks Puppies and Burns Flags Act" just wouldn't fit on one page.
I'd like to know where he got his stat from because I was under the impression that many, if not most late-term abortions were because of serious disabilities. I wonder how he's defining "perfectly healthy." I wonder if he even knows where that number came from.
If only they gave a shit about the 30,000 pain feeling american humans that are killed by guns every year.
About the time when her crazy was digestible.
Please, no matter how much you loved NKOTB, no matter how much you wanted to marry Donnie when you were growing up, do not watch this show.
"How's Meg?