
I’m really, really sorry that you both are going through this. I know how hard it is but please believe me, an anonymous internet commenter who doesn’t personally know either one of you, when I tell you that Figaro will fight to stay by your side as much as you will fight to stay by his, and you will be SO proud and

Will do. I had a cat who was the same age and in a similar situation and lived 4 more full and happy years, so don’t be too worried, though it’s 100% understandable. You both will (hopefully) enjoy a lot more time together and every day he is there will make feel SO LUCKY (as I’m sure you already feel). All my best to

I appreciate the work you put into this. Thank you, Ms. Overdrive!

HEY YOU- Don't you EVER compare Cici's pizza to the manna from heaven that is Imo's! HOW DARE YOU!?!?!

IKR? I was so distracted by his blue eyes and square jaw that I COMPLETELY missed his STUPID FUCKING HAIR for weeks. WEEKS! I've never been so disappointed in myself...

Preach. And what a bunch of bullshit when they claim to be protecting innocent lives because they are followers of Christ's word. HA! I'm an atheist and do a better job following Christ's teachings than those money-grubbing selfish assholes.

Right? After they're born, they're on their own! They need to pick themselves up by their bootie-straps and earn the money they need for their own healthcare and food and stop mooching off hard-working Americans.

Right? And the kid doesn't look happy in any of the pictures! I'm still mad because I want Stephen to be my baby's daddy so I can hear him reading to our child (I'm in my late 30's- better than 27!) but I'm loosing all hope that it's gonna happen. *shaking fist* Damn you 27 yr old kid, the Atlantic ocean and Fry's

By 'kindhearted selfless hero' I mean you, Brian Williams. Or Stephen Fry. Either one will do.

Did you see the part of the article that says the kid 'rescued Fry from celibacy'?!?!? What a hero!!! I wish some kindhearted selfless hero would appear on his white horse and rescue ME from MY celibacy!

'Those people' are judging him and threatening his safety solely based on the color of his skin! How dare 'those people' do that! Nobody has EVER in history suffered prejudice and injustice like that EVER! Quelle horreur!

I had a former colleague who was SO inconvenienced by the protests in Ferguson because he had to take a slightly longer route to his country club. Might have added 2-3 whole minutes to his trip each way. To this day my heart bleeds for the horrible tragedy that has befallen him...

Perfect! Thank you! I still haven't figured out how to work this new-fangled Kinja thingamajig yet...

"See?!? I'm not the only one to get them confused!"

About Lucy DeCoutere, from The Star article- "DeCoutere, who, when she is not acting on the television show, is a captain in the Royal Canadian Air Force in New Brunswick."

Human interactions are so much easier to comprehend and understand when viewed from that perspective! Evolutionary psychology is SO ENLIGHTENING and interesting. Too bad more people don't realize what big dumb animals we are (except for Gawker readers and writers, of course- we're intellectually exceptional)!

I would have loved to have witnessed that. I hope you're still standing on chairs yelling at authority figures letting them know what's up!

Looks like he's learned everything he knows about giving face from Courtney Stodden.

Nope. Sorry!