I do not like babies or children. I never find them or their antics cute. Small children have never made me squee.
I do not like babies or children. I never find them or their antics cute. Small children have never made me squee.
My cynicism can't hold up. This is one cute baby.
JujyJunior used to dress cool when he was under three; lotsa skinny jeans & button downs & fun sweaters. Since he had a say in it, he refuses to wear anything but track pants (cozy pants) and says no to all shirts with buttons on them. Giving free will and self awareness to a child is an awful idea.
I mean why should a WOC bother, <full disclosure I've never watched this show, never will I watch this show for this very reason> when she knows that a beautiful, smart successful WOC will still lose out to a woman trying to impress a dude with a fake, bloody heart in a cooler who possesses the crazy eyes (see video…
To be fair, it is a best dressed, not a best dresser list.
I just want to post this picture.
Blue Ivy in Basquiat for the win.
I'm sorry. I keep trying to read this article but I just can't get past DEM CHEEKS.
I didn't watch it, but I applaud the equal objectification of pretty yet dumb people.
She's like the Carrot Top of the dating world.
Speaking of sociopaths, I worked for a doctor once who said after his patient had committed suicide, "Why would he do that? He had such a nice boat."
you're not very creative then
Cruise ship singing girl's entrance was embarrassing, but I like her dress. I don't plan to follow this season, except through Jennifer Weiner's live tweets, but I want to root for her just because of that dress.
Looks like a Viking, acts like a Viking, pretty much is every stereotype of a Viking.
He may be a nice enough guy. He may even be sincere. One thing the bachelor is not is smart. Good lord and bless his heart is he ever a dummy. He didn't get the plow my field joke, he doesn't know what a crazy cat lady is. So many things seemed to sail right over his head. Of course his dating pool seems to include a…
Yeah, it's like secondhand embarrassment overload. My brain short circuits and I must pause and calm myself.
As someone who likes to bake and doesn't own a car, I have schlepped a lot of cakes on a lot of trains. I've…
I didn't see the show so I wouldn't know if they're all white...but that would be extremely odd anyway because why would the producers GAF what Chris told them his dating preferences were? So much of this show is fake, surely they'd stick a couple non-white women on for appearances, right?
LOL, it would sure be nice to lack self awareness, you could sleep like a baby every night.
it literally takes me 2-3 hours to get through one episode because im just pausing & whimpering into my hands every time someone starts talking
I'm watching the whole episode right now and I mostly wonder why we needed 87 years of old Bachelor contestants getting drunk on a red carpet. I mean, I totally wish I'd gone on the show before I met my husband because hey, so many free drinks, but why does it need to be part of the episode? The awkward greetings…