
She's gunning for a piece of that sweet "All I Want for Christmas is You" pie. She probably can't do the Macy's parade because they would film her right side at some point.


"Amber couldn't believe he had made such a fool out of himself,"a source said in the Dec. 1st edition of Star Magazine, according to several websites. "This reflects really badly on her, and she's not happy about it."

Two people in a car, one ends up shot in the head, and you think that the most obvious and straightforward answer is that she was waving a loaded, chambered gun, with the safety off, in a moving car, causing the driver to become distracted, rear ending another car, causing the gun to go off, causing her to shoot

Here's some projection for you: A lot of partners of alcoholics eventually find themselves in the role of the "responsible one". The one who makes the appointments and remembers the dates and ensures that the couple makes it to events dressed and on time. When a very public display happens, the "responsible one" will

"Amber couldn't believe he had made such a fool out of himself,"a source said in the Dec. 1st edition of Star Magazine, according to several websites.

thanks me too! he is great. yesterday we ate chili's, walked around crate and barrel, and saw "interstellar" on 70mm. it was a great day. can we start a company where we take 0 phone calls but drink a lot of wine?

[Campbell's boyfriend] told investigators that as they drove late Friday night, the victim waved a gun, jokingly saying the couple were ready for Ferguson, the sources said.

Goddammit Greater St. Louis Area. I love you really. You were a great place to grow up. But seriously. Can we cut this bullshit out? You're making us all look bad.

Amber Heard's entire schtick is being Johnny Depp's significant other at this point.

I am going to be that person, and mention that while Depp was in his 14 year relationship with Vanessa Paradis (and living below the radar, letting his performances speak for themselves, good, bad or indifferent), he wasn't giving drunken speeches at publicity related awards shows. Goodonya publicists for breaking up

I'm glad that the new TS mystery is her belly button. For years, she always wore such heavy bangs and never showed her forehead that I was convinced that she had the Mark of the Beast or something up there. (I actually googled "Taylor Swift forehead" on multiple occasions.) Maybe she's made a different deal with the

You know, I am getting on in years, but not so old that the BB-less teacher was likely Eve. At least, not the one you mean...

Or maybe it's because dating an alcoholic is the worst.

"Amber couldn't believe he had made such a fool out of himself,"a source said in the Dec. 1st edition of Star Magazine, according to several websites. "This reflects really badly on her, and she's not happy about it."

this monday is ass. was on a work trip til midday saturday, ~the dirty filmmaker~ (WHO IS NOW MY BOYFRIEND Y'ALL) is sleeping in my bed and i'm stuck in my terrible office taking terrible phone calls from terrible angry assholes. help

That awkward moment you realize that being engaged to Johnny Depp in 2014 just means signing up to be a caretaker to a weirdo old rich drunk.

Oh wow, Johnny is looking really rough in that photo posted. Ah, fading beauty can be so heartbreaking. He had a good run, though.

The prophecy is true: