
There aren't any.

Sounds like it's become too easy for Cupp to exercise her freedom of speech. Maybe she should be forced to run a half marathon every time she has some dumb-ass opinion to express.

Yes, exactly. And that's what's really so frustrating about The View - even those who I agree with politically don't ask the right questions or know how to debate properly. Did none of them even think to ask this of her?

S.E. Cupp is concentrated, sentient stupidity held together by a flesh suit that the people in charge of hiring want to fuck.

As I've said before, the Republican party has somehow managed to elevate obtuse cognitive dissonance into a viable political strategy. It's mystifying.

They should add Meagan McCain. she's a republican, but one who can actually think for herself and is not afraid to smack her own party down when they teeter too close to the line of crazy, which happens more often than not these days.

It doesn't matter who you put in the seats, if they are slaves to party lines, this is what is always going to happen. You can talk all the shit about Star Jones that you want... she did have very annoying qualities. However, you could say that she was a compassionate person while being a religious conservative. She

Did they deliberately style her to look like the offspring of Jenny McCarthy and Meredith Vieira? Or is that just an unfortunate screencap?

According to the Republican party, abortion is easy but will also ruin a woman's life forever. It's easy but doctors need admitting rights in case things go horribly wrong.

Well, you know how hard words and their definitions can be for conservatives. Rape, for example.

My friend and I took advantage of the Two for One deal at the Abortionarium last Tuesday. Got my membership card punched too.

Nothing makes me happier than hearing that a couple I adore has gone to city hall and gotten married. Mazel tov! You are the best kind of people.

That is her natural look!

All you hatin' azz hattaz is just jealous that Eveghenia is kickin' it old school on Marz and you aint. Jealousy is a disease for realz and all you hattas seem to have contracted it. #Evegheniaisabossbitchforrealz

Who knew Mansplain Shark was so eloquent?

Could women survive if men started treating women the way they treat other men? I say that they'd be tears by lunchtime in every office in the Western world and cries of "why do you hate me?" from women everywhere.

It would be fantastic. And probably very profitable, and would be a better way for Kim to stay relevant. Bums me out that it probably won't happen tho.

And she clearly already hates herself. I mean, look at all her plastic surgery. She has some serious self-esteem issues she needs to address.

I used to love the Flaming Lips and still kind of do, but Wayne Coyne is coming off more and more like a creepy weirdo old man who skeeves on way younger women. I'd watch my drink if I was around him, that's all.

-Let's all start a nonprofit to rescue Kim from homelessness!