
Are you referring to current Diamondbacks FO guy La Russa or St. Louis Cardinals skipper La Russa? Because that will determine the joke i make.

I know she is questionable sometimes, but I gotta say, I like that she is always unapologetically herself.

I'm pretty sure the first rule of doing denim on denim without looking like a pre-teen circa 2002 is that the shades of the two pieces should be very different. It also helps a lot if the weight/texture of the two fabrics is noticeably different. If Cuoco's top was about 2 shades lighter, that outfit would be fine.

Loving someone who lacks empathy is so fucking scary.

Is it a symptom (if that's the right word) of narcissism that the narcissist sees himself or herself as the victim in every situation / thinks others are out to get them / assumes others' actions are about them all the time? My aunt (bless her heart, and I'm not even southern) has had some personal challenges in

I don't understand the problem with my being perfect.

What if you *are* superior to other people, though?

Ok, ok, I get it Tracie. I'm here. You can stop trying to get my attention.

My mom's a narcissist with bipolar disorder. She insists that the mental health field hasn't invented an accurate diagnosis for her yet.

"Eating bread while intercoursing" is now on my bucket list.

Eating bread while intercoursing sounds like the best use of one's time.

Still more normal than early Nsync.

and a black leather jacket... His t-shirt undoubtably had a Michael Jordan looking figure doing a lay-up with the words "Go sport, win many" cartoonishy written.


but no shirt. It ruins Barry's whole track suit vibe....

I just tweet-commented that both Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt's publicity strategy is "Just go out there and be a human version of a puppy."

Gold chain, don't forget. And a spiky haircut.

I sincerely hope he was wearing a track suit at the time (with a blue tooth ear piece)


1) Callie you always do the best Dirtbags. Thank you for making my morning cereal-eating and coffee-drinking so enjoyable.