No, you're not alone.
No, you're not alone.
That's good to know, and your screen name is THE BEST! You are clearly super-awesome and intellectually superior to us all.
I'm so sorry! Also sending you hugs through the ether...
Thank you for the story!
I'm not sure SHE thought she wasn't good enough. It looks to me more like those parents of hers convinced her that she needed all those changes and consented to them, assuming she is actually as young as they allege. IMHO, I don't think that she would have had the apparently poor self-esteem she has to have to make…
Right? And now I know more about her 'trashy chic' wedding than I remember about my own. Thanks, DM!
Where the hell else are we supposed to get our thrice-daily TOWIE cast member status updates?!?!? Dirt Bag? Not likely!
At least she's not sticking out her tongue like she's been doing a lot lately! That got old quick.
What?!? Cavill is MY secret boyfriend! Shut up!!
That's soooooo cute too!
That's cute. Pretty smart subterfuge too!
If you like beards, you've GOT to check out 'Whisker Wars' on IFC/Netflix. I'm not even a fan of beards and I LOVE that show! It's about the 'sport' of competitive beard growing/grooming/having/etc, narrated like an NFL film. Also, the lead antagonist has the greatest name ever- 'Jack Passion'. Check it out!
Me too. That little girl really lucked out. Thank God she wasn't that attorney's daughter, huh?
Handsome Hobbes chills like a boss!
Oh- good! Thanks for the clarification. Glad to hear that!
I'm really, really sorry for your loss.
Fun days indeed! Isn't it smart that we did stuff when we were young that we shouldn't do now so we have both the memories to enjoy and the 'I was young' excuse! I'm so glad I did 'bad' stuff when I was young so I'm not tempted now. IMHO, a lot of adults get into trouble because they do 'bad' (/ill advised,…
In your boss's office? Wow- you go girl (or boy)! That's hot.