

Skitter Boo is a lucky (and adorable) kitty! From all of us friends of cats, thanks for taking care of her and helping her get well.

Exactly. If there was a group of people that would offend Jeffries more, I would guess he would have given them the clothes. You have to get muddy when you wrestle a pig (or something to that effect)!

I'm with you. I think the intent behind any action like this is important. Heck, I do stupid stuff all the time with the best of intentions!

At two years old I would have WANTED worked in a salt mine all day if it involved wearing sparkly outfits and prancing around and looking pretty! I think anything and everything is exciting and fun to a two-year-old, but I must admit that my memory of those times is a bit hazy...

Right? I'm TOTALLY stealing that line. Thanks, Laura!

I think the only reason I was a cheerful cheerleader was my name. My parents were SO against the whole concept cheerleading (the girls in tiny skirts jumping around cheering for boys part) that I was too afraid to ask to try out until my junior year! Turns out that they let me try out, be a part of the squad and

Odd names can have a strange way of being self-fulfilling! I know 'cause I have one. I can't tell you how many times I've been told that my cheerful & optimistic-sounding name is perfect for me or that they knew who I was before I told them my name, and my parents are neither cheerful nor optimistic, thus not the

And McCain doesn't?

Not TL; DR! Pregnancy is interesting (apparently)!

Well at least he finally stopped wearing all those awful sweaters and color combinations! Also, are there Bob Mills anywhere but OK?

Seconded. And thanks for the awesome gifs!

I'm pretty sure she was the host (not that it makes the fat-shaming OK).

Sorry- double post!

Very cute! Thanks!

<i>Giant mediboobs</i> Ha!

He looks like a very, very good boy! And a sweetheart for forgiving you...

Sending you warm thoughts!

It's surprisingly amusing! I swear!!!

She just turned 49. I guess they're starting their party planning early.