


Bee looks sweet!

Can we get some reader submitted entries too, please?!?!? With location/relationship status included? I'm asking for a friend, of course... Thanks!


Both my stepmother and a co-worker who should know better Google Google. And my father and I both work in IT. Sigh...

Right? This is stuff my mom was teaching me in the late 70's and apparently everyone still hasn't gotten the memo. No offense Lindy!

Thank you! Much obliged for the support!

FFS, it's 2012 and we pro-choice folks are still using the 'pro-life' moniker? I'm pro-life too, but I believe 100% that a woman has a right to choose!

That there is a comment that belongs on Wonkette!

Yes, unfortunately.


We're awesome.

Thanks- love that. I think JT and I are wearing the same glasses- squee! I'm so cool!!!

Right? If it's good enough evidence for Mike Seaver, it's SCIENCE!

Thanks for your insight. It's so important that people are reminded that the brain is such a complex and powerful organ, and human instincts as well as damage to the delicate structure can have long-lasting and unexpected consequences.

Awwwww... Space Bat! I forgot about Space Bat. RIP to you too, Space Bat!

Oh, great (for me)- thanks for the info! When we (/I) make a (n imaginary) wedding date, I'll send you an (imaginary) invite!

Will do- thank you for the suggestion! I forgot about that Henry & cute kid pic- it's soooooo adorable! All I need is a pic of him and a kitten and- well- I think it might just kill me.

Oh, and that Immortals movie, which I watched on mute, of course...