Hmmmm... yummy! Merci beaucoup!!! You have watched 'The Tudors', right? I hope so- it's Cavill-tastic!
Hmmmm... yummy! Merci beaucoup!!! You have watched 'The Tudors', right? I hope so- it's Cavill-tastic!
Me too. I LUUUUUVVVVVV her, but always hate her outfits.
Ditto what everyone else said. Best wishes! We'll miss you too!
As an American, I would argue that being an American is indeed an excuse for being so bloody thick!
I've been begging my husband FOR YEARS to agree to make a video called 'Idris Elba does stuff', where it's just him doing regular stuff (as opposed to the stuff he does on Luther), and he finally does it for these Mumford & Sons people? We're gonna have a serious talk tonight...
*hand raised*
Three words-
IMHO, that's an adorable idea! I'm sure if you tell her 'ThatOne' says it's adorable, she'll give in (right?)!
So cute!
Awwww... that is sweet!
That is awesome.
I don't know- those shorts look like they have the same effect on a man as cold water!
Ooops! Darned it. Didn't know that.
Right? Maybe she should focus her efforts elsewhere...
I hear that- I am a mixed woman who supported John Edwards before the democratic primaries ('cause I thought he had the best chance to win) until that whole $400 haircut nonsense. THANK GOD he didn't get past the primaries!
I did the same thing, but she's a little less annoying this season. Either that or not watching for five or six seasons makes it easier to digest her character. This season is full of drama (again- surprise)!
I never expected a Meshach Taylor reference in my Dirt Bag! That and the Journey reference takes me back... WAY back. Thank you, Lindy!