
You better make sure your cat isn’t on Instagram before you unload your hot take to Mittens

I know my inability to measure consequences just well enough to not have any social media accounts. If I rant in the bathroom to the cat, I don’t lose my job.

I mean, he might as well. Denying reality has been working pretty well for him so far. I’m sure he can convince his 35% of Americans that he never said it and it never happened and the video evidence is faked by the same people who did the moon landing.


I haven’t been to white Thanksgiving, but I bet it SSUUUCCCKKKSS.

I’ve been to Hispanic Thanksgiving for the past five years, and it’s basically all this. I feel like this is just “People of Color” Thanksgiving.

WHAT?!?!?! Blasphemy!!!

The overriding message that if black people would stop complaining and just show some damn gratitude, America will be great again, is like a punch in the goddamn soul.

He has to fire up the racist base. It’s all he has left.

weed & henny.

How do you decompress after reading so much super-concentrated stupid?

Does anyone else think it’s possible that one guy kidnapped a woman, is calling her “girlfriend”, and a rescue party needs to go out and save her? Because that whole controlling her food thing was the freakiest and most disturbing thing I‘ve read this week.

Eric Trump put’s menstrual blood on his ass and fights off the attacking male chimps, mostly

Eric Trump was horrified when his pet hamster ate her babies before he had the chance.

Eric Trump is not allowed to adopt an animal of any kind in the Tri-State area.

+1 basket of puppies

Eric Trump once lifted a baby giraffe over his his head and shattered all four of its femurs.

That’s so obviously photoshopped!