
Honestly, why is she even on the show anymore? Her daddy been gone and she has the intellectual output of a sea snail. I’m sure they can find another asshole conservative who can at least go back and forth without yelling over everyone all the goddamn time.

Well, if she stopped talking for the rest of the show, people might forget that she, John McCain’s daughter, is the daughter of John McCain.

“I won’t talk the rest of the show,” Meghan murmured, McCainly.

1) I have a name. 2) It’s your colleague & friend....whose known you for YEARS! 3) What I’ve said on many occasions on @FirstTake & ESPN Radio: that I was behind the scenes speaking to ppl in support of getting Kaepernick back into NFL. So what’s the problem now? Happy Holidays!

How the fuck can you hate Chef!

What? Jon Favreau is a fantastic writer/director/producer. There is no way a lot of the MCU movies exist without his hand and no way this show exists in its current for without his hand.

Shutting down the only dedicated politics website in your portfolio right before the 2020 election, one of the most consequential of our lifetime, kicks into high gear. Essentially shutting down the second-most highly trafficked website in your portfolio because one out of every twenty five posts rankles you. I’m not

You know, i remembered after I published that he is an accused rapist, but would love to state for the record that nothing about Roethlisberger is hot. Just Minshy. Thank you. 

I’m proud to provide this photo as a public service to Jezspin.

Jezspin forever! But the mention of accused rapist Roethlisberger in a hot dirtbag article, without mentioning he’s an accused rapist? Pass on that.

Take all the stars, just take them...

Ja and T.I. must be ready to take new supergroup, Da Struggle Bruhs, out on tour judging by the ridiculous shit they’ve been saying this week 

I hate to blame the victim, but you are 100% correct in your assessment here.

This is the only correct take. To quote Forest Gump, "Stupid is as stupid does."

Yeah, at this point you really do deserve exactly what you get coming to you.

If you still support Kanye West you deserve to be swindled out of your money while the rest of us laugh at your misfortune.

Considering all the shit that’s been going on at G/O media, I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of the writers and commenters who have made this one of the best sites on the internet.

We already do that: It’s called The Clapback Mailbag.

Set up a few stands at popular tourist destinations around the country, and you’re set for life.

Can The Root please start a section called: The Dumbest Shit You’ll Hear From White People This Week? I mean this may make into the dumbass hall of fame. I mean did these unseasoned, latte drinking, yoga pants wearing, Kid Rock listening MAGA chuds partake in this thinking this was supposed to be a pleasant