
OMG your additions have me dead rn

*whips out red pen*


only three stars so far? looks like your joke fell a bit flat

“You would go to Cleveland, and it would be at nighttime, and things would be going on, but you just see a vast difference in terms of what the Midwest is — Cleveland — and what Boston is.”

Of course, Kyrie thought he was speaking to a reporter from the Boston Rectangle.

And ... you just gave the poor guy another burn.

a 27-year-old guy in Vero Beach who was hospitalized with second- and third-degree burns

Because the genie is being detained in Gitmo. Come on. Somebody with those powers from that region was never going to be allowed back into the real world.

As others have pointed out before, the National Anthem is not a dedication to the troops. It is for all Americans. And as an American, you can decide for yourself whether or not you need to salute that song. Anybody who doesn’t like your choice can go take their complaints to the Breitbart message boards.

Man, that’s a lot of manpower and weaponry.

Why is the NFL, and Jerry Jones specifically, keeping this issue alive? I don’t pretend for a second it is even remotely a moral stance. Hell I’d even respect them a little for it if it were. A little.

If the NFL crumbles from within because a 49er QB took a knee, I’ll be the smilingest motherfucker on the planet.


Let the motherfucker burn.

Whoa whoa. You’re telling me that white people in charge of young black men and also profit massively from these black men’s talents would change the rules and not say anything? And then use the revised rule as a way of punishing said black men for going against the wishes of their white employers? In America?

Oh god I so hope this is the opening volley in the labor battle that destroys the NFL

I can’t stand either of them... not to mention the countless legal battles they’ve had due to their shittiness... and the fact chip forgot his newborn babies at home on multiple occasions just tops it off.

Considering their ties to a really horrible mega-church, I wouldn’t be against them going away for a while.

When I was a kid, I used to wonder, “What does ESPN stand for?”