The idiots who tried to steal the JAPSPEED Impreza. I mean, if your gonna steal one; try for an slightly modified one, not a RWD Drift car with a 1JZ in it. Its story even ended up on BBC!
"Halo Car" is an important term when considering price.
You know how long I was supposed to reply; that's too awesome man; I'm still in shock with the engine thing (removal by hand). And yes, those little cars potential for speed is at a ridiculous level. I have a friend with one; a suzuki swift. The madman decided to shoe horn a SR20DET inside the bay (they're cheap speed…
Charle's Kha: Speed Hunters editor in chief: Very few cars make you become a better driver. The hachi is one of those.
Building an I6 RWD Japanese sport/semi-luxury 4 seater coupe upgraded with AWD, Two turbos, and other little tidbits to race against a field of RWD V8's, V10's, and V12's (oh, and porsches too of course). ON PAVED RACE TRACK ROAD. If anyone remembers how the RWD Lancia 037 capitalized on the AWD Audi Quattro's…
Everyone else looked at it and said; hmmmmm we should try this...(cough, ferrari, cough).
Weberlop's theory covers it. But whats the message that you get when your starred, is it some commentor approval thingy (cuz i dont remember being starred or not at the point in time; but i got aa message like that around two months after joining)? Plus anyways "jalopicial upward mobility is always possible", well i…
I laughed for 5 minutes straight with that one!