You assume I didn’t teach myself to do that in an automatic? Is it so unnaturally hard that one wouldn’t even fathom doing that in a go-kart? Both are easy ways to learn to left foot brake in a manual for weight transfer fun. Regardless of what you say, these new technologies exist not only to make us faster, but to…
I did not learn how to heel and toe to drive an automatic transmission!
It’s amazing that everyone assumes a hybrid car is light. There’s a reason why that car is such a disappointment.
The weight is generally the same when they both are out of the showroom; the CR-Z wheelbase is smaller, so if you’re gonna strip it, it’s all yours bud. I’d quicker do a Fit or a Suzuki Swift though, to each his own.
This I can fucking hear; the CR-Z weighs almost the same as a Civic Coupe., yet everyone on here is acting like it’s a Suzuki Swift.
The getting of a Fit, I can understand. The Civic and the CR-Z barely have a difference in wieght.
“If Honda were to offer a similar car today with the Civic’s 1.5-liter turbo engine and a plug-in hybrid electric motor boosting power to around 250 horses, it’d be a stellar little ride.”
Lol, bed bugs are more prevalent in the “developed world” so regardless of what airline you travel on, it’s probably your dirty ass bringing them on.
Except for the people you who want to pass you.
That battery better be in the ass of the car!!!
I see your “reputation and history” comment. I will counter by using the oxymoron “German Reliability”.
I’m going to be that guy to say that BMW is not a competitive option in this segment as their options with a LSD are limited to only M models. I fully agree with your last statement; I also hate how fun cars have become a purely elitist thing.
Fuck no.
“I was disappointed in the way McLaren handled the 2007 season, and contend that with his team’s support he’d have won that championship, and likely had a legitimate shot at the next five championships as well.”