
If you never buy food, it allows for much more discretionary spending.

I love your tiny little gif.

Whoa certainly have changed.

Well that shows you how much I watch either of them.

They need to fight fire with fire. Hire their own guys to swarm the paparazzi and their bosses while THEY'RE out with their families.

Shut up, are they really?

Dontcha know? Racism ended in the 60s. The 1860s.

She's like a somehow more obnoxious Jenny McCarthy. I can't stand her either.

If you're anywhere near KC, or along the corridor from Albany to KC (I'll be doing that drive in a couple weeks) find me n twitter (same name). My cat passed last July and Im ready for new fur buddy.

If you're anywhere near KC, or along the corridor from Albany to KC (I'll be doing that drive in a couple weeks) find me n twitter (same name). My cat passed last July and Im ready for new fur buddy.

Did you miss the whole "Princeton mom" bit? Some folks live in a whole other world where dropping a few grand on plastic surgery is considered a good investment...

You're all wrong. Steve Coogen in Hamlet II. They even sing a song about it.

You're all wrong. Steve Coogen in Hamlet II. They even sing a song about it.

Apparently he is the arbiter of who is "really" black. Maybe he polled the entire audience to see how they defined them selves? Cause other wise it sounds like he just found the two darkest dudes in the room and was like "this is cool, right? We're bros".

Well now I feel like an idiot.

You were great on Shark Tank, I would have invested (if I had more than $20 in the bank...)

I would even bring it up in conjunction with the panel. Something like "I know you were appointed to the sexual violence panel, so I think it's even more important you're aware of how that sounded"

ME NEITHER!! This is so awesome!

And as mentioned in another thread, an "I am beautiful, I am woman" message probably wouldn't work in Thailand because they value humility so highly. So, good job watching this through totally western eyes and being all judgy.

Wait...she owned the store and DIDN'T TURN OFF THE SURVALIENCE CAMERAS?!? She's evil AND dumb.