
I'm with ya. MI is a good series (not GREAT, but good enough that I'm on book 4), but the movie was unwatchable.

I dunno, she looks pretty good in TFIOS, but maybe that's just cause John Green is so frikkin awesome.

Shailene Woodley is like the GO TO for YA lit heroines brought to life on the big screen this year huh?

I thought SuperModels Party Inc Whatever was Cory Feldman's thing? Or was that Angels?

Eh. Other Daario was hotter.

I could date a guy 20 years my senior and theres nothing wrong with that. If I date someone 20 years my junior his 5th grade teacher might have something to say about it.
Laying it out like that takes all the responsibility off the adult in the situation and lays it squarely on the child/young adult. And also

What? You don't wear your underwear to the club? Loser.

My theory is they filmed more scenes with him, realized he was a TERRIBLE actor, and left em on the cutting room floor lol

No, proof that nerds can make even cool things nerdy.

I...think I need to start watching Couples Therapy.

No, Bane was the guy they visited at the party for like 2 seconds.

Counter Sexism is the new Reverse Racism. Get with it.

I'm not usually one of those "ugh, they changed the book for the movie!!" nerds, but they changed some pretty important stuff. Like, SUPER important. Like, I'm on book 3 and it's still not clear if Valentine is really Jace's dad or not stuff.

I am hurt and ashamed that The Mortal Instruments didnt make the list. That was, by FAR the worst movie Ive seen in the last few years. Granted, it stole 2 hours of my life just last night, so its travesty may be fresher in my head than most, but holy shit that was awful.

Yup. Like the guy who told me I was absolutely gorgeous in one message and when I refused to "eat his cum" told me I was an ugly fat whore.

HAHA Fat people are gross!

Grr paparazzi bad. *fist shake*

I'm anti-GMO, not because of the franken-crop thing, but because it's being used as a tool against small farmers and driving heirloom crops to extinction. And because Monsanto is fucking evil incarnate.

What kind of sadist would name their daughter PUPPY? That just begs for all kinds of dog/bitch teasing.

At least 12 people disagree with you :)