War on Christmas doesn't exist in Semmes. That was my point.
War on Christmas doesn't exist in Semmes. That was my point.
They called it a CHRISTMAS parade. You can't win em ALL conservatives!
Thanks for your input Jack!
ARCH DELUXE!! That thing was DELISH.
Yea it is. I actually got an awesome Ralph Lauren dress there. And a Calvin Klein one that I ALWAYS get complimented on.
I had to wrap my own gifts one year cause he "didn't know how". Dude. You take paper, cover the thing, tape it down.
Can I borrow your kid for a couple hours?
Its like that's the only acceptable gift for a lady. WE LIKE OTHER THINGS!
There are WAY fewer "Ontario Man" memes.
On a but of a Target Lady roll, are we? :)
I can't wait for Christmas to be over. If I have to see one more fucking jewelry ad I might shoot my TV, and that would suck cause Dr Who.
Correction: The number of diamonds carats in your ring determines how badly brainwashed you are.
The best of the military videos are the ones with the dogs. They totally freak out. It's so awesome, so many happy dances!!
Nope. Perfect usage.
I regularly get sucked into Hope For Paws video spirals. They're all so good and so teary!
Also posted the link on the Gawker article about it - it was buried in a comment reply. I'm grey though, so I'm not sure if it'll show...
FB'd and tweeted
Well shit, now I want to move to Boulder and work for V&S.
But did you take it??