Or is it to control women’s choices?
Or is it to control women’s choices?
Bah, my upload got kinja’d.
Not quite monochrome...but it has a cross, does that count?
He’s gonna be livid when he reads Genesis and finds out that his god got in on the gay pride right after the flood....
Don’t forget, NBC employees will be banned from his golf course.
Holy guacamole, those dresses are GORGEOUS.
Someone in my newsfeed said that their job’s ex-IT tech said that her cousin’s best friend said that anti-virus programs insert kiddie porn into your RAM.
The problem with the mainstream media noting the mental illness of white men that feminists have is that the same dignity is rarely afforded to black folk who are similarly afflicted. The subtext is that white folks with mental afflictions “can’t help themselves” but black folk with these afflictions who act in the…
I have to laugh when businesses that are “open to the public” (though privately owned) are called “private businesses.” To be a private business capable of openly practicing discrimination, you have to license it as a private club with memberships. This is how country clubs get away with it. You can’t be open to the…
It’s the religious liberty to force the world to cater to their own bigotry on pain of being tortured and/or killed.
What I find so hilarious is that they try to hold up Lincoln’s Republican Party as a shield saying, “But we love nig-African Americans, we fought for their freedom! We can’t be bigoted, it’s not our roots.” (Because nothing at all ever changes whatsoever in 150+ years.)
“What I want to do is protect the religious liberties of those who believe that opposing same sex marriage as part of their faith.”
So...she PLANNED on sinning. Isn’t that like, not really forgivable? Because I’m going to bet she didn’t use a turkey baster.
I just don’t want to pay for a new driver’s license/ID. I’m cheap. Besides, a ring and a smile should tell the world I’m happily married. All other details can fuck right off.
There’s several reasons. The first few that pop into my head (which I’ve heard from fellow quiltbags before):
She ran for President, so she has to be at least 35. Lookin’ fine.
Oh that’s her? Been hearing that song for a month or so on the local alt station. Sounds very Southern Sass with a touch of spooky. I like it a lot.
Look at any pair of cowboy boots. They got heels.
Children as property is exactly it. Children are not people, they are things. That way we can do to them exactly what strikes our whim. Then they magically become people on their 18th birthdays and know exactly how to live and do all of the things, and we can throw them out like garbage. Some owners—I mean, parents…
I was spanked and the only time I spanked my kids was when they stuck their butts in the air. The temptation was too great. They’d giggle and say MOOOOOM!