
“...marks a radical departure from countless generations of societal law and tradition.”

They were bad societal laws and traditions. So if you support them, you get the taint of bad too. You’re bad and you should feel bad. Badophus O’Baddy McBaddister.

Well yeah, that’s Austin, which is really secretly a hyperspacial extrusion from SF into TX.

Alabama had briefly had marriage equality but the courts held it up pending this decision. Bentley fought back tears as he admitted we have to follow the law (I am imagining the tears, the rest is fact). AL chief justice (ha!) Boy Spoor is *still* stamping his feet. He’s worn out 3 pairs of ugly shoes already.

“I have asked for additional clarification from the District Attorney’s office and I am awaiting their response to assist in speeding the process.”

Don’t wish that on Guam!

Sure did. But I may not be making myself clear: He forbade me to initiate contact but expected me not to refuse contact *he* initiated. His many voice mails expressed profound confusion and hurt and abandonment. Which is why grey area. (I relished his pain.) His reaction is exactly like a ghosted person. I think he’s

I never told him not to call me. In his arrogance he forgot that I have agency in my own life. He was making demands of me even when he told me not to call him. Maybe it’s in a grey area, but the fact that he thought I was going to answer him as if nothing had happened....

In some situations, it is. Especially if the other person has listening issues and refuses to practice empathy.

Dunno, but I just ghosted a friend after he told me never to call him again after an argument (in which he was angry with me for not appreciating him for calling me up 5 times a week to drive him 50+ miles on my dime)(yes you read that right). I don’t give a single half-assed fuck how his life plays out from here to

The MegaMom can’t take any Tylenol over this headache...they featured a commercial admonishing us to celebrate non-traditional family structures.

Salvador Dali was the most recognizable surrealism artist. The stuff he made before the 1950s was mind-blowing.

All the components of that Chekhov’s Gun are in the room, some assembly required.

Nope, just binged the second season of Agents of Shield, a very feminist show.

So at one point Melisandre chided Stannis all but claiming had she been at the battle of King’s Landing, she could have handled the flames on the water. But...doesn’t do boo when the camp’s on fire. More sacrifices to her lord of light and life? (What kind of life god wants people dead anyway?)

Demon rhymes with semen, which starts with s, and so does sex! OMG YOU CRACKED THE CODE

What is it with all these fartknockers and their unhealthy obsession with sex? My tv station’s religious programming has similar nutjobs with just as crazy perverse fantasies.

I felt a huge difference between riding a mens’ bike and women’s bike. I may be short-trunked (I am only 5’3” and am long-legged) which could be a factor. I literally could not breathe as deeply as I am used to when biking and my back felt too much strain.

I read that it has to do with the engineering a stable frame to work with typical female body proportions, especially the shorter upper body and arms thing, and I can swallow that explanation. I rode a men’s bike for a few months and hated it as I had to bend too far forward and couldn’t expand my belly enough to

I had to unstar this so I could star it again.

I don’t watch the show. You didn’t have to click this article.