
“On August 15, a leader in the church testified that there are certain “spiritual” reasons why victims are deterred from reporting their assaults to police.”

Fun Fact: Las Vegas is the favorite vacation destination of Hawaiians. That tidbit confused me when I lived there. A friend explained it to me that artificial glitz was a welcome respite from all that natural beauty, and the hotels weren’t as expensive as they are at home.

I *was* kind of wondering how he would wear an ankle bracelet if...he has no ankles....

“I have done more for the cause of advancing women’s rights than any of the people who are criticizing me. This so-called crisis is manufactured by Ms. Spelman as a way to increase her profile as a social justice warrior.” [et al]

Awwwwwww things like this is why I luv black bears so hard.

“Does it solve the problem by taking the life of an innocent child?”

Does he not realize that this is exactly what the risk is to the 10 year old girl?

Maybe it’s my financial disadvantagement showing, maybe it’s my LGBT sensibilities showing, maybe it’s my being old showing, maybe it’s the fact that I didn’t have a wedding when I had my failed marriage, but WTF is it with brides now about this material greed? Weddings are supposed to be a spiritual (not necessarily

Once again, people who think they own their children as if they are things and not people.

Nope! But Jesus did specifically say, “No swearing oaths.” Not by heaven, not by earth, not by Jerusalem (that’s really in the text).

She should not have even sought out an elected position, if she were so fervent in her beliefs. Matthew 5:34 (from the mouth of Jesus) says not to swear any oaths.

Naw the best Healthy Stuff cookbook I ever had ever was and still is Thug Kitchen: Eat Like You Give A Fuck.

OH look, the “boys will be boys” excuse!

She is a woman, therefore she needs smaller words to understand how inferior she is without confusing her inferior ladybrain. Those words are too long.

Oh it’s easy for Jaina to be a crazy cat lady now. All she has to do is get 20 cat vanity pets.


Starred because Dali stilt. And all the other things.

Well yeah. Cuz of course women can only write stuff that’s appealing to other women and to children. Our sensitive lady-brains can’t with space ships and halberds and tanks and shit.

My frou-frou French Girly Name has kept me from bothering, especially as my interest is speculative fiction.

If I’m not swimming, this exact one is my go-to.

I’m not sure about where they live, but in Alabama it’s very easy to commit a relative. So easy, in fact, it has been abused horrifically.