
Washington rain rarely downpours. Usually it's like a really, really heavy mist. You'd die of a bad hair day first.

We called the roaches "B-52 Bombers" and they are up to 2 inches long and fly. My pet rats enjoyed chasing and eating any that occasionally blundered into my apartment. The roaches are really a minor distraction from all the wonderful that is Hawaii.

They feel they can do this because women aren't people. To the mindset that allows this, it's as complicated as killing a cow.

It's not the racial paradigm that fuels our judgment of hypocrisy. It's the "leave it up to sky daddy" attitude and then visiting a fertility clinic, which is most definitely not leaving it up to sky daddy. If you leave it up to sky daddy, you fuck till you get pregnant, then if the fetus dies horribly and is

Oops didn't notice the font. My bad!

Ew, tapered wood chopsticks? Everyone knows the awesome ones are the stainless steel Korean style. Make'm platinum and titanium and we have a deal.

I have a beloved kitty named Scarlett so I approve of the name.

I was |—| this far from being named (now forgive me for I do not know how this would have been spelled, but) Sofranzbe. sew-FRONDS-bee. Needless to say, cooler heads prevailed and I got a sexy French name instead. Only I got a guy middle name. The same spelling as a certain soon-to-be-former Senator from

No, it was one that was on last year, ran like 2 or 3 episodes and was pulled post haste. They literally were showing people in their day-to-day jobs being humiliated and fired on screen. It doesn't matter that they may have deserved firing, you just don't fucking air that to the whole goddamn world.

I work for a station that airs this, among other things I tag promos for shows, and I'm proud to say I have not made a single promo for this wreck. And my boss hasn't said a word about my omission. I hope it fails horribly like that show that fired people on national television.

How come? If sky daddy wants her pregnant, they should just fuck until it happens. Getting doctors to help you become pregnant is just as interfering with the will of sky daddy as much as using chemicals to prevent pregnancy is. Sauce for the goose is most certainly sauce for the gander. Unless one is the "yes for

Fuck Toni. I hate that shit. Her son IS A PERSON. He has a neurological atypicality that requires some patience, love, understanding, and extra guidance. I'm fucking sick sick sick of anytime a child has a condition that is inconvenient or worse, it's "punishment from [usually Abrahamic deity] for [insert

So wait: it's interfering with god's will to use birth control, but it's not interfering to visit a fertility clinic? My logic gland hurts now.

Holy shit I think my fallopians are spontaneously reattaching themselves because of him.

I loved Prometheus and it was made for sequeling. Some of it was kind of dumb but then again what would you get when a corporation was trying hard to win the race for first contact? Corporations can be dumb, Weyland was a serious nutjob with money. Prometheus did much what Alien did, which was to set up the

I am an adoptee and I've known since my earliest memories. I've also known kids who found out around this boy's age—it fucked them up royal. Without exception. It's an integral part of my identity to be an adoptee and know that my parents *chose* me and love me just as intensely as if I'd been created from their

I'm trying to remember the last time I cared about what Jenny McCarthy thinks.

I wish I still lived in Honolulu so I could tell Floridians "Better weather, no gators."

Two students at Oregon City High School in Oregon City, Oregon disrupted the high school's observance of the LGBT Day of Silence by wearing anti-gay t-shirts to class on Friday.

I was about to say—I have friends in Florida laughing at us during the winter.