
Yup black bears are less aggressive (although still potentially lethal). I've seen vids of a youngish (teenager type) black bear being bullied by a housecat. I just love black bears a lot.


I'm a Whovian who ragequit for 30 years (when Tom Baker left the show, and yes it took me that long to forgive BBC and Tom for that) and I also watched TNG and DS9 religiously. And quit Voyager after 2 epis. TNG was clumsy at first but Voyager really felt *forced*.


Not gonna lie. This was the first thing on my mind when I read the words "Oculus Rift."

"I can say that sometimes it is very easy to excuse a man's violent behavior if it leaves no bruises."

I can tell you from personal experience that the psychological violence leaves bruises too. Big, purple, invisible bruises that take years or even decades to fade. I don't tolerate any sort of abuse anymore. Once

#49 You're not his mother

After reading all the other entries I was like wut

Nope, I pour it straight up into a spray bottle from the dollar store. Works like a charm, and the bubbling action when it hits protein is quite entertaining as well as enlightening (as to what's contaminated).

Will it give me tips on how to play my spec? Which racial abilities mesh best with my stabby moves? I'd like to contribute, as I play a troll rogue. Then again, considering what she does, I would dare say she's a troll rogue as well. And I really doubt she's ever tried the Subtlety spec.

I have this growing in my back yard. It's Russian Kale. I cut off some of the leaves from the plants I have (this is one I found online, can't find my kale pics) and gave them to my younger daughter, who loves kale. I hate it. I'm glad someone eats it.

Fun Fact: Kale, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels

I use regular old hydrogen peroxide (3%) you can buy for a dollar per quart as a cleaning spray. Not only is it a color-safe bleach, it disinfects and is food-safe. This is on everything food touches. I also keep a pile of old, tattered towels handy. For the stove I use dry baking soda to clean up gooey hardened

But they weren't racist doing it!

(non-snark: yes, I understand and agree with your point. I'm being a troll.)

It's also often the word some goddess-worshipers prefer to be called by.

Another goth here.

I still have my MAC black eye pigment which I hoard like a dragon hoards gold, purchased back in the day when I had money to spend on looking pretty (fucking fabulous and wicked). I got mad at my teenage daughter when she stole (and then LOST) my lovely MAC makeup brushes. Well, not for long. I

The opposite of Lean Pockets.

Man if running gave me "fat pockets" (you forgot "full of money") I'd get past the two permanent knee injuries and the permanent foot injury and run a whole lot!

Running gives you "fat pockets"?
What's in those pockets?
I take it then they are not Lean Pockets. I actually like Lean Pockets so that makes me sad, sort of.
I kind of hope there's lots of money in those "fat pockets." Then I can use it to buy Lean Pockets. And wine.

**does the happy veteran dance**

I don't think I have been this thrilled since dwarf planet Eris was named.


Since bananas contain anti-matter (briefly) that means they're unnatural?


((all of my hugs today, though please pass some on to the little one))