
We complain about how most new cars look the same, but when something unique rolls around we bash the thing like it's a direct attack on all of mankind.

At the very least we'd give her a warmer welcome!

Good point!

We killed Pontiac? No sir, Pontiac killed Pontiac with shit like this:

WHAT! Drew Carey is a normal sized human being now!

I didn’t even recognize him till half way trough the clip.

This is great. It'd be worth the ticket for me to get pulled over by this guy.

Haha where'd you get that 3D model of an E30 in the lead photo?

Maybe the GT5 damage models are more accurate than I thought...

Props to the owner for taking it to the edge for sure. I know I'd be doing the same thing; preferably not into a tire wall.

Why the hell is this not in America? It's so, American! People would love this thing, I know they would. Especially with a manual transmission. However, not for $95,000, not USD anyway.

I want one.

I don't know, I like the kink. It's definitely weird, but I also think weird is good in this current age of ubiquity. We all know none of us are interested in driving this FWD abomination to American 4 door sedans, but I certainly won't mind seeing them on the road. It's a nice looking car.

I highly doubt a little ribbon or flag on the cars in the procession would've made any bit of difference in this situation. Part of being a good driver is staying attentive, and reacting smartly to any given situation.

This is certainly ironic, and certainly sad, because, well funerals just suck. So, no disrespect to the family of the deceased. But, I couldn't help but giggle a little bit when the lady in the Soul opened the door and yelled at the driver of the ABS-less Dakota.

I guess I'm just not one to lose my cool in situations

Carfax provides a good product. People and businesses choose to buy this product. Carfax is successful. I don't see the issue.

Correction: ANY vehicle driven by ANY imbecile is unsafe.

Cut that bastard’s fingers off and lock him in a cell with his bass guitar. There is no reason, no reason at all to get behind the wheel intoxicated in any way.

I understand the man who died wasn’t wearing a seatbelt, and yes he should have been, but that is no justification and it’s still going to be horrible tragedy

I love the little chrome strip jet coming out of the rocket. I hadn't noticed that little bit on the Hornet before.


We all know speed traps and parked officers are just expedited sources of income for counties; but their original, true intent was to discourage speeding by operant conditioning — issuing positive punishment, in this case a speeding ticket.

So in theory, after you’ve received a ticket, noted the presence of an

Fan-freaking-tastic. Sure, if every professor was this much of a dick, college would suck and you likely wouldn't get as far as you would otherwise. But someone has to be an asshole (the real world is full of them), and Mr. Galloway did it very well.