
Um, what? The huge wall of flames came at least 3 minutes after the angry mob of people showed up in the intersection with tires and gasoline. Don't you think you would've picked up on what's going on in that amount of time? I would have, and gotten the hell out of there.

What are you talking about? Where in that comment did I say I would get out and fight? That's a horrible idea.

I thought this was just a video of the fire in the aftermath, I did not expect the explosion. That is genuinely terrifying. I hope everyone in the truck is alright.

Hey, at least they didn’t use brand new tires, right?

On another note, however, how does everyone just sit there politely at the intersection while this goes on? I would’ve run those sons of bitches down and gotten the hell outta there.

#COTD x2

I’m sure most of the comments will deride the new body add-ons, but I dig it. It looks mean. Also like the yellow and black contrast on the outside. I could, however, do without the yellow interior, but it isn’t horrible.


On another note, as a country connoisseur, I am obligated to say that holy shit these songs are terrible. They are also strangely fantastic.

Tetris should have rotated counter-clockwise and moved two spaces to the left.

Holy crap it’s already up to 90 grand.

I mean, it’s got stuff guys like, like the rims and the sleekness to the body.

Holy crap that is fantastic.

You sound completely crazy...

The simple answer? Yes.

The complicated answer? Hell yes.

It was hard for me to imply a jocular tone in that post. Internet emotions are not my specialty. You rock Torch.

"...and the sales numbers of exactly zero cars sold seem to suggest I'm not alone. The Legallimit was 100% more successful, with total sales of one."

Woah, how’d you get the opportunity to do that?

Peter Schutz. I just want to give that guy a hug.

Not gonna lie. That was fantastic. This makes me happy.

True, but the Ghibli – although not simply badge engineered like the Thema – is indeed based on the 300C.

That license plate is rather avant-garde.