
Welcome to the 2014 Maserati 300C.

"The Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse World Record Edition Is The World’s Fastest Convertible"

And the internet's blurriest lead photo.

Wait, isn't this what America is all about now? That is, getting paid handsomely by the fruits of someone else's labor.

Well, California, you’ve done it again. I’m glad to see you’re continuing to pass pointless legislation every time some idiot does something stupid. Because idiots who do stupid stuff are definitely the kind of people who will think "oh, this is illegal now! I probably shouldn’t do this!"

Fuck it. Just ban personal

"Next week President Obama is set to ask Congress to move up plans to send astronauts to an asteroid by 2021..."

Alright, what the actual fuck. There are roughly 16.8 trillion other things you could be doing right now, Dear Leader, that would be infinitely more productive, useful, and necessary; not to mention without

Frank, I think your avatar is a good representation of how your face might look when she(?) shows up to answer your booty call.

Now playing

Yeah yeah, I'm from Texas. Yeah, I love my pickups. Yes, I love guns and I have horses and I am friendly to strangers. To those of you who bitch and moan about it, go wrap your lips around the exhaust pipe of a two-stroke Saab and breathe in real deep.

To everyone else: Straight Six Cummins Turbo Diesel.

Texting and driving is pretty stupid. It gets exponentially more stupid as traffic increases and/or driver skill decreases. I never text and drive. Okay, that’s a lie, I will occasionally send a quickie when there’s no one else around on the road, and my iPhone also has Siri.

However, I guaran-damn-tee you that I can

Exactly. I have a hard time hating on anything that someone obviously put a lot of passion and effort into.

This also happens to be a pretty cool idea.

The point was to make an interesting video, and that they did.

It’s not like a comparison between an R8 and a Ducati has any real world relevance or practical application whatsoever, it’s purely entertainment.

Oh come on now, repaint the damn windshield wipers.

Woah. I am not a fan of the Civic, nor Monster, nor the tuner scene as a whole, but that work can be regarded as nothing less than pretty damn impressive.

The cheesy characters and company logos are not what’s cool about this, but I love the idea, and I think it could be applied in some pretty unique ways. Especially

Ah that sneaky bastard.

No information is the best information.

It seems, to me, that the person at fault in a fatal accident generally ends up being the one that comes out with minor injuries.

In drunk driving scenarios it seems to be the same. Right now I cannot recall one fatal alcohol related cash where the asshole drunk behind the wheel didn’t survive.


Also, bonus science lesson!

Do you like hamburgers? A single commerically prepared hamburger (think McDonalds, Whataburger, Burger King) produces as much pollutant material as a fully loaded diesel 18 wheeler does after driving 120-150 miles. Huh.

What about all that black smoke? The black smoke you see is essentially

Well howdy there old friend! Glad to see you back in town!

I consider everything I said to you extremely positive. And judging by the number of favorites on that post, and the conversations I had about it in Oppo, everyone agrees with me but you and your, again, stodgy, self-righteous, unimaginative, characterless,

I’m not sure if you’re being serious or sarcastic.

Baaaahahahaha, stupid Americans and their muscle ca….. wait.

Woah woah, is that the crazy hatch Civic with the awesome shifter sticking out of the dash? I’m a truck man, but I freaking love those.