“I only want you to replace the bottom of my tires. The rest is fine. And NO YOU WILL NOT RIP ME OFF WITH AN ALLIGNMENT!”
Drives off like:
“I only want you to replace the bottom of my tires. The rest is fine. And NO YOU WILL NOT RIP ME OFF WITH AN ALLIGNMENT!”
Drives off like:
You can’t get a manual (in this segment I think that’s important) so go fuck yourself, Audi.
I dunno. Other than the absence of the tiger nose, it just looks like a KIA to me, with some knock-off Subaru wheels.
Everybody knows that the chems in the chemtrails don’t work with turbojet engines. The advent of the turbofan was a boon for the mind control industrial complex.
People today don’t realize how amazing it is that flying is so cheap, and the developments that brought that about.
And yet the airline industry has some of the slimmest profit margins of ANY industry. They rarely break 2%.
I’ve actually submitted a request to my state senators to see if we can add Bifenthrin to our chemtrails as a form of widespread mosquito control. I still haven’t heard back. Typical politicians!
Remember when gas/oil prices went up really high and flight prices skyrocketed because of it? And they crammed more seats on planes and charged us heavy fees for bags? Then fuel/oil prices dropped drastically and the flight prices never went down and fees never went away? Fuck everything about the airlines.
Speed is cool, but seeing today’s 80%+ bypass turbofan engines is like a miracle of engineering. In layman’s terms, early commercial jets shot nothing but hot air out the back, along with lots of pollution and noise. Today, almost all of the thrust comes from the engine core driving a shaft to the front of the engine…
my thoughts exactly, that suv merged, signalled into the middle lane, and then signalled to the left lane, that cop could have, but didn’t want to let him in, and was pissed off that the suv added 5 seconds to his trip back to the station.
Honestly I don’t see what the white Sequoia did wrong; it appears to be stop and go traffic, it also appears there is a left exit or split coming up (watch till the end), the Sequoia signals to move into the lane, there was a white accord directly behind the Sequoia therefore if the Sequoia slows they’re slowing…
If I drove a new Charger or the like, I’d love to have those wheels. And a spotlight.
Good luck with that.
I thought that was the case, but couldn’t remember. Thank you, MikeofLA!
you are within your rights
For the moment, California’s law stipulates that police vehicles must be clearly marked (meaning, be black and white, or all white with police logos visible). I don’t know how much longer that will last, but that’s how it is at the moment. None of these hidden, unmarked vehicles for normal police.
The cynic in me says that the idea isn’t to prevent the crime, just to punish you once you’ve committed it, there’s more money in punishment than prevention.
This of course is not good for visibility in an emergency situation. The point of having a lightbar is so others can see the vehile from all directions.