
I cannot even imagine how unbelievably incredible it must have been to ride around Laguna Seca in a two-seat IndyCar with MARIO FREAKING ANDRETTI.

Like how are you not still pissing yourself with glee?

You may have confused muscular with fat.

I can see the sign. Sometimes right after you post, you can’t see your own image. If you click back through the comments a couple times it should appear. 

For the record, I’m not here to insult you or anything, and I genuinely hope you’re enjoying your electric Focus. 

However, your argument is misleading and doesn’t address my point about buying as opposed to leasing. While you may be paying less per month on the lease of your Focus than you were for the fuel /

Thank you! I’m surprised how many people are convinced that buying new is the only way. Sure, it works for some people, but if you put in the extra time and effort you won’t be disappointed. 

That’s not a bad deal at all. Notice I didn’t say all used vehicles from dealers are necessarily bad, you just have to make sure you know what you’re doing, no matter the situation. 

Whatever works for you is what you should do. 

Hey that’s awesome man! I have no problem with that at all. Good luck!

Exactly! And we need those people around so that I can buy their barely used vehicle a year later! They get a better price than a dealer would offer them, and I avoid instantly losing 25% on my investment. Win win for everyone. 

I agree, different circumstances will always arise, you just have to be able to adapt the best solution. 

That’s what I’m thinking as well. I hope they announce the STi Subaru version sooner than later. 

Look, the heart of the issue here is that I have my way of doing things and you have yours. Your examples in favor of leasing / buying are seated in laziness / lack of knowledge. Again, there’s not anything inherently wrong with that; we have our areas of expertise and desires, and most people just don’t want to deal

Obviously you didn’t read my whole post. "Someone has to buy new so that I can buy it used a year later!"

Buying used doesn’t have to mean buying used. Like I said several times, buying a year old car or less, is basically new, and it is easy to tell by just talking with and reading the seller how well they treated it.

You can read my other responses to commenters about this for more explanation. 

No hand waiving, just giving my opinion.

^Uh, I mean BRZ. Dash-fail. 

You make some great points. By the way, like I told a commenter above you, great choice on one of the twins. I’m looking to get a BRZ to dedicate to the track here pretty soon. 

Anyway, I do completely understand your desire to buy new, and it makes sense. Personally, I would do the extra work to find one less than a

I don’t have any problem with this at all. There are always exceptions to the rule. While I would certainly look a little harder to find something a year old or less that can be proven not to have been abused, I completely understand you wanting to buy one new.

I’m glad you’re looking at a BR-Z, I am strongly

I said that twice… But hey thanks for letting me know!

"Depends on the car, depends on the situation."

Holy nutsack, Mr. Peanut, that was terrible. 

"If Mr. Peanut is gunna be up here duwing the Macy’s Day Parade, I needa check it out and make suwe the view is perfect. Yeah, thislookpreddygood."