And he got a second term...
And he got a second term...
Someone needs to lose their job.
I'm sorry guys, this is nothing but a minivan with a vaguely Aston mouth.
I completely agree. When the unnecessarily complex and crap-laiden new pursuit vehicles start having system failures that require someone with a Berkeley CS degree to fix, I’m sure departments will be looking for more elegant solutions.
"Or, alternatively, you can just ignore the lines and park wherever you damn well please like these three BMW drivers."
Haha okay, so I may have been a little sensationalist by claiming I’m flying Ryanair in Europe.. but I made my point! I can afford to fly on a real airline so that’s likely what I would choose. But hey, I’m all about the free market and if there’s a gap, take it! That’s what he did, and it’s awesome.
Hey I don’t disagree with you, boss. My main point was about Micheline calling O’Leary a disgrace to the aviation industry. That’s ridiculous.
Why is he a disgrace to the entire aviation industry? He may be a complete asshole, but who cares? A lot of CEO’s are. He offers a product that people buy, and he is successful because of it. No one is forcing anyone to fly Ryanair; that is solely up to the consumer.
I live off Hamilton Pool Road just down from RM 12 Patrick. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. On top of being absolutely gorgeous out here, and Texas being the greatest country on Earth (yeah buddy), this area has some of the greatest driving roads anywhere. I love 1826 and 150 as well, but you ought to take a drive…
Woah woah woah, right to use firearms irresponsibly? I’m fairly confident we do not have that right, and definitely shouldn’t. I realize this is a Gawker site, but come on Patrick, you’re a fellow Texan! Don’t give us that snarky passive anti-gun crap!
Just came to say I quite literally could not care less about the Nissan Sentra.
You can fight me all you want about manual transmissions and how automatics and DCTs are superior. That's fine. You totally have a basis for that argument as I am just stubborn when it comes to having 3 pedals in my cars. Fine.
Uh, 135 photos and two minutes of video? Yeah I’ll stick to my iPhone camera. I can break out my DSLR setup when I need it.