“Point is, if you meet the right person, you might be fixable.. I wont say i’m the best parent in the world, but I am light years better then my parents were.”
“Point is, if you meet the right person, you might be fixable.. I wont say i’m the best parent in the world, but I am light years better then my parents were.”
OMG, are you kidding me with that forced-birther propaganda bullshit? “they punctured my uterus with a large needle and left me alone... the baby came out of me alive and was allowed to die.” That’s straight fantasy. That is not how abortions work.
I love how Tom DeLucca still misses the point. His extra taxes aren’t going to the poor...
The guy literally said, if only he had a better diet, Trump had the genes to live to be 200 years old. A feat that no human being in the history of the world has come within 75 years of achieving.......In any other time in US history that would be an utterly insane statement that would have been endlessly mocked.
allegations that he excessively drank on the job while head of the White House medical office and recklessly doled out prescription drugs.
“Hardesty simply read every officer’s account of Lewis’ racist joke.”
I’ve found myself occasionally struggling with motivation since Trump came into power. Like, don’t get me wrong, I haven’t given up or anything, I still go to work and get paid and take care of my day-to-day responsibilities.
I think sometimes we get a little misled by assuming that just because all the people in Trump’s administration cover for him and back up his lies and buffoonery, that they’re all as mind-numbingly stupid as him. Personally, I think that’s a very dangerous assumption to make, and leads us to underestimate and overlook…
The destruction at Joshua Tree is sickening and depressing. We really are the worst.
You say they’ll be faced with exorbitant interest rates, but Ross begs to differ (bolding is mine):
I definitely do not like my massages accompanied by live keyboard music.
Then, she added: “I’ve never seen people so happy to destroy a kid’s life.”
you chose the hat, jackasses.
Starred, because it’s so true. It’s strange that past crimes seem to always make it into stories about black men and children, yet there was nothing in the initial reports on this situation about the how the children at this school have been involved in multiple racist incidents...
What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.
Ah yes, this is all just a cult of personality thing. It’s not like it’s really cool and noteworthy that a politician shouted out and then made a guest appearance on a prominent British LeftTuber’s charity stream and voiciferously defended trans rights the whole time. It’s not like a politician showing an interest in…
Every MLK Jr. day is a desperate struggle trying to keep white people from whitewashing the legacy of a man they mostly disapproved of before a white man put a bullet through his head. Just so lovely the result of their white guilt is pretending that Dr. King’s message was about holding hands and singing Kumbaya, and…
I really don’t get how you go from that first paragraph to saying “racism isn’t a big deal” all of the shit he listed are big deals.