Terry Doolittle

What are you his mom?

Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has crawled out of his cave to assist Trump in the ongoing shell game. “I intend to move to this legislation this week. With bipartisan cooperation, the Senate can send a bill to the House quickly so that they can take action as well.”

“I want to burn your house down.”

One of the things that riles me up most about MAGA chuds like this kid, as well as Trump and other GOP politicians like Steve King, is how constantly commit the most overt hateful racist acts, yet they refuse to own it directly when confronted by others or when it blows up in their face.

We can’t even get Iraqis who protected the US military(with written endorsements from officers) through the red tape.

I would like to hear more about see-through steel.

It takes an impressive level of stupidity to shout “Build the Wall” at an Indigenous People’s March...

Agreed. I emailed the school’s principal and shared that opinion. I also told him that I thought their religious studies program needs some work.

The adults are literally right there.  The adults planned it, drove them there, and are currently chaperoning them.  They’re generations of bigots.

I’ve only seen one maga dunce cap in the wild and I happened to be in uniform which is something I try to avoid in public for many reasons. He was young and stupid like the kid in the photo up there and he thanked me for my service.

I can’t fathom the massive stupidity of shouting, “Build the wall,” at a group of Native Americans.

I’m sure the irony of using anti-immigrant chants to taunt a man whose people were here before white people immigrated to this land is lost on these kids.

I have a natural inclination toward violence and wanting people to have a physical reminder of their actions.

one of the turds has been identified.

“We’ve found prayer rugs out here. It’s unreal.”

So Trump cancelled Pelosi’s trip to a war zone to gather information about a REAL security crisis to hold her hostage and force her to discuss Trump’s FAKE border security crisis?

It wasn’t so much about cancelling the trip but more about intimidating her by exposing the trip that wasn’t public knowledge making it less safe.

I know this is just shouting into the void with this guy but CITE. SOME. SOURCES. Almost any source will do. What is the difference between major and significant? Close to 100% successful at what? As determined by who?

This is why a system which allows predominently wealthy people to be represenatives in government is a problem. For many elected officials, missing a paycheck is easily managable. And yet, none of them are going without their pay, which is absurd.

Hmm, I thought we had the most expensive health care system in the world because we have the best healthcare system in the world. Why is Paul leaving the country for hernia surgery when we get the best care right here in the U.S.?