Terry Doolittle

Yea, and I mean... he had it coming. It’s not like her grandfather was dragged out of his home and through the streets and then strung upside down because he was Jewish, or Black, or disagreed with the regime in power, or any of the other very real things that innocent people were being hung for in the world at that

I know English probably isn’t Mussolini’s granddaughter’s first language,and Rosa Parks is a strange non sequitur, but why get angry at a drawing of Mussolini hanging upside down? That happened, it’s probably the least bad thing that happened to him after his death.

I would think he’d be more forgiving

She and her husband are heavily invested in private/charter schools in MI. They spent years destroying our education system.

Congratulations on leaving what is easily the most deranged comment I’ve ever received in my year of working at Jezebel lol. 

I recently took Amtrak for the first time returning home from central IL to east TX. It’s an 11-12 hour drive, a 4-6 hour flight with a connection (or a considerably larger ask for a friend on the other end to come pick me up in DFW), and a ~17-hour train ride. The train actually takes me right to the small town I

This confirms why Bill Barr was brought back: 27 years ago, as Attorney General, he cleaned up the Iran Contra scandal for GHWBush and Co. (dropping still pending prosecutions and writing pardons for those already convicted). He was rehired for this specific skillset.

David, thank you for including the suicide prevention information. Is there a way we can get Splinter’s style guidelines updated with regards to suicide reporting? This is the second time this week “takes her/his own life” has appeared in the headline. In addition, this article mentions the method. Both of those

Meanwhile in New Zealand...

Suicides cluster. I really hope people are reaching out to the other survivors, families, and other affected individuals in the community. Their cause got support but that’s not the same as getting it themselves - not to mention all the hate and harassment that came with it.

Guns: the gift that keeps taking.

When you look at Columbine as an example, almost just as many students killed themselves after the fact than in the actual shooting

I mean, thats completely fair, and I completely understand why that’s your view. And I would never hold that against you either. But think of it this way.

Yes, because it’s sad when people lose all their shit, and that still applies to people who make horrible mistakes on election day. Especially when you do not in fact know how any of these people voted. And while they are in the minority, I would bet my life there is at least one registered Democrat in the flood zone.

Two possibilities:

So they could shoot people and treat them like idiots at the same time. That's what this is really about. The creepy dumbfucks who get off on shooting other people, in a scenario where they're pretending to kill them. Whoever designed this training and carried it out should be fired and get a psych evaluation.

This is what happens if you just cower and do nothing”. And I wonder how those cops would have responded if the teachers had countered and taken their asses down? Bring it on assholes.

Almost like she (and/or her staff) writes notes in preparation for hearings! DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!


Just looked up the nutritional facts for one Marie Callenders Chicken Pot Pie and brother, you are eating 1,334.80 calories, 56% percent of which are coming from fat, 82.8 grams. Dieticians will urge you to eat less than 2 grams of Trans fat, you are eating 4. The good news is that you’re consuming 24% of your daily