Terry Doolittle

The arsenal he was carrying around on his body was terrifying. I am thrilled that he’s so fucking scared now.

What is going on with their hands???

Holy shit those comments were bonkers! I had no idea how many people would think it was a-ok to run over someone with their car because they were inconvenienced.

Yeah, I didn’t realize where I was at first. It must have been crossposted? It freaked me the fuck out how many people thought it was obvious that their ability to drive unimpeded should take precidence over other people’s right to peacefully protest. What the freaking hell?!?

Thanks. I needed that laugh. I don’t think he was his type.

You have a wonderful opportunity to guide those students through some awful times.

Because cars are as important as people!!

It was like an army of tiny facists. Oh, having traffic blocked inconveniences you? Then of course you should be able to murder people with your car!

Yeah, won’t be making that mistake again. Jesus, that was terrifying.

I lived with a husky who was an amazing dog but also a seriously smart pain in the ass. They are definitely not a beginner-level dog.

Awww...my grandpa used to say that to my grandma.

That’s a good point that prosecutors would want to charge with something they could make stick, at least initally.

It wasn’t brown-people terriorism.

So, I have a question about this “heat of the moment” argument. I made the mistake of reading the Jalopnik article about laws re:running people over with your car during a protest and was honestly flabbergasted at the number of people who seemed to think it was fine to hit people with your car if they angered or

Everytime I see pictures of 45 with the secret service in the photo I wonder what they’re thinking. Can you imagine knowing that it’s your job to take a bullet for this Nazi apologist?

Holy crap. This was such a clusterfuck of nonsense and idiocy it’s hard to know where to start. This is the smallest point ever from this press conference, but I do think it’s interesting that he seems to be clinging to the idea that economic insecurity is what is driving this unrest and that when he brings back

Oh Top Dog. They are such a uniquely Berkeley kind of place.

I find it deeply unsettling how often Trump invokes love in situations that seem entirely inappropriate. I remember when he won the GOP nomination he gave a speech in which he said that as a result of his presidency we would all love each other (which, lol).


Gotcha. You’re not acutally interested in evolution. No further discussion needed.