Hell yeah!
Hell yeah!
I hate it when men respond to these stories with anecdotes about the women in their life who took no shit. You can be a quick-thinking badass and still freeze in situations where you’re being assaulted. It has nothing to do with how strong, smart or brave you are.
It genuinely makes me feel like I’m living in some kind of parallel universe. He’s a terrifying idiot who has no idea what he’s doing.
Oy. I knew even giving it a term was generous.
You are a good friend. Sorry about the loss of your pal.
I remain flabbergasted that anyone voted for him after his debate performances.
And, while his presidency already feels like it has lasted an eternity, there is no way that he could have made any substantial changes in renovating and modernizing our nuclear arsenal in the time since he’s been elected. That kind of change takes entire terms!
Yeah, it’s not just that it’s sappy drivel. The implied “everyone thinks you’re ugly but I’m willing to overlook that!” is SO OFFENSIVE.
Who has ever said, “I want my whole upper body to be warm, except for my shoulders”?
I’m so glad that phase passed early and relatively quickly for me. Dudes that like that are awful.
This picture cracks me up. I don’t know what he’s trying to do with all of those crystals on his bed but if you’re really trying to make your room a chill space then stop taking electronics to bed! No rocks required!
I feel the same way. Maybe his whole “I’m an idiot who can’t take care of myself but keeps getting saved by the competent women in my life” thing is just hitting a little too close to home.
I would feel awful if someone I loved wrote something like this about me.
This is a ridiculous argument. No one who uses the word “fag” as an insult is calling a man a cigarette.
What?!?! This sounds freaking amazing.
In retrospect, I am embarassed that this is the response every time I tell this story. Apparently I am a dating moron.
Ha! We dated for a year after that.
Once, I had someone finish my coffee while I was in the bathroom. It seemed bizarrely intimate for a first date.