This makes me want to cry
This makes me want to cry
Have you been to Fisher yet? They’re pretty new but a great addition to the downtown beer scene.
I have reason to visit UT fairly often and have been amazed at their strange liquor laws. Though the craft brew scene in SLC is pretty fantastic.
NYC does have some things going for it.
I (a young, small, lady person) have recieved a number of comments from men about my handshake. I don’t squeeze fingers or do any other weird power-play with my hand, but I do shake hands firmly, palm-to-palm with eye-contact. I think most men just don’t expect that from a woman.
Pam the Funkstress is awesome. You have excellent taste in heroes.
While I found the transcripts of his talks with other world leaders abhorrent, this is oddly touching.
I’m from CA and lived for a very brief time in NY. One of the hardest cultural shocks for me was not being able to buy wine in the freaking grocery store. It’s barbaric!!
It was a terrific series! Shamefully, before it started I had never heard of the Green Book.
This is mezmerizing
The Root did a great roadtrip series this summer based on the Green Book. I think they tagged all the articles with #TheRootTrip?
Between that and Beiber being “fearless” for making a long-tshirt I feel like I’m losing my mind. Have our words lost all meaning?
I would second this advice. I was the pedestrian in a hit-and-run last fall and while I thought I was ok, I ended up needing more medical attention than I anticipated after the initial accident. They still don’t know who hit me, so I have no one to sue, but I’m glad to have the documentation just in case they ever…
Thanks for that background.
Thanks! I honestly was so disturbed by it as a little person that I’ve never wanted to revisit that movie or scene.
Really?? I have a number of family members who are hard-core Trump supporters and I can’t imagine any of them being at all bothered by this pee-tape. I mean, they stood by him bragging about sexual assault!
Yes, if the prostitutes were underage, that crosses a legal line. But everything else is not a criminal act, just some level of unsavory.
That’s a good point that trying to cover it up may make him more vulnerable to Russian blackmail. It just seems more likely, and more sinister, to me that they’re blackmailing him with financial shenanigans over sexual ones. He seems to not have an ability to be embarrased by sexual stuff. Anyone else would be…
I wondered that too! And then wondered who would search instagram for a #flag hashtag...
The thought of a disaster, natural or human-caused, during this administration terrifies me.