I find it hard to believe that a white dude named “Cleon Brown” wasn’t used to black jokes before he took a DNA test.
I find it hard to believe that a white dude named “Cleon Brown” wasn’t used to black jokes before he took a DNA test.
This has almost certainly happened in Santa Monica.
Schrödinger’s Black Man paradox states that it’s both simultaneously due to white superposition. Only when the white person actually needs just one of the specific states to be true does the superposition collapse so that one particular state emerges as reality.
Many white people will see this video as confirmation that black people are dangerous and white cops are justified in taking whatever steps necessary, including murder, to protect “us” from “them.” They literally do not see people of color as people - dead/beaten/bruised black bodies just remind them that black bodies…
When you reach levels of racism that confuse the police you are on some next level hatred.
“Sir, you can’t be black over here.”
Implicit bias has shown up gruesomely in the past few weeks in (white) reactions to the six black children killed by their two mothers. The responses of many white people have been to scramble for ways to elevate the “humanity” of Sarah and Jessica Hart and emphasize what “loving, selfless parents” they were.
This is an excellent point that more or less bolsters my complaint. In many modern 80's period shows and movies a more progressive view on LGBT life is presented, but race and racism is still ignored or downplayed. RPO could easily have thrown in a line about being a black woman in the OASIS and choosing AVATARS to…
Out of all the pop-culture characters available to her, would Lena Waithe’s Aech (who, both in the Ready Player One book and in reality, is a black lesbian) really choose white male robots and cyborgs as her avatars?
The Venn Diagram of people who would be annoyed if there was a single reference to black 80s culture and people who “don’t get why Black Panther is such a big deal” is a circle.
Hopefully this case will serve as a reminder to the public that Atlanta blew a 28-3 lead in the Super Bowl.
Counterpoint: Damon rightfully calls out an old white southern sportswriter for taking cheap shots at a talented 19 year old who singlehandedly dragged a mediocre team into the second round of the NCAAs.
1st ed., Ghasts stink enough to debuff you, have an extra HD, and are turned one slot higher by clerics.
Since watching “Get Out” I have been thinking differently about neurosurgeons ...
That’s because instead of making a brain surgeon Surgeon General, Trump thought the Black guy should be the Secretary of Ghettos.
I am absolutely positive that there is NO PLEASING some of you. You’ve won. Its over. All your crying and bitching about “loot boxes” and “predatory business practices” has made a EA bow to you, and yet many of you, ARE STILL BITCHING AND COMPLAINING. Let it go trolls. Again, you never had to buy this shit show in the…
Does anything ever stick on Trump? As soon as this goes into the shitter, I have a sinking feeling everyone will simply blame the ACA rather than Trump’s transparent play to sink it.
Lol,well he was right. Facts tend to have a liberal bias because most people who call themselves conservatives are driven by how something makes them feel. Then they use reason to justify their feelings. That’s how a protest about police brutality and racial inequality becomes an insult to the flag even when the…