Terrence Hunter

“I’m still screaming, and they just keep collecting guns.”

This is very exciting news for Kotaku. However, I found one line in your remarks troubling:

This was the first film I thought of.

I credit LucasArts with teaching me this way back in 1989:

As a lifelong Marvel fan, I'm excited by a number of these projects, but Guardians of The Galaxy just leaves me cold. The idea of forking over $20 to see a tree and a raccoon talk, crack wise and shoot guns holds no interest, regardless of their connection to the larger Marvel Universe. Can someone explain to me

If she thinks people are mean-spirited and critical now, wait until this weekend after people see "R.I.P.D."

I sincerely hope this date does happen - for Lolo. Maybe Lyles can give Ms. Jones some pointers on how to achieve a goal.

"All this shit—your "type," the "criteria" you think you need in a mate—is arbitrary. It's social conditioning."

It never ceases to amaze me how much allure the model/rapper archetype has for some people.

Thanks for your post, Ms. Hatcher-Mays. Hoped you'd write something on the ruling, as I appreciate your perspective. Look forward to your thoughts on the court's gay marriage and voting rights rulings when they are announced.

#4. Thank you, Ms. Anders for mentioning John Byrne. Agree with everything you wrote here. Made Superman accessible to me in a way he hadn't been previously. Byrne's work on Fantastic Four went a long way to redefining that series too. The man is under-appreciated.

Two words: union busting.

Thanks for sharing. Like the O'Donnell story, these articles are trivia at their finest. Hardly anything noteworthy in any of these choices. Safe picks, all.


I hope no one called her Susan.