
Who would you rather review this? Why shouldn’t it be written by someone who knows and understands what they’re reviewing? Are you incapable of critiquing things you love?

This is an extremely solid joke. Good work.

I’m a huge, huge fan of Vulpix, so despite my initial plans to get Moon, I’m going to have to pick up Sun tomorrow.

Welp, then I guess I know what I’m gonna get to take the edge off as I traverse Bloodborne. Thanks for the good praise, I’m wicked into this!

I didn’t know this was a thing they were making, but I’m really into it. I don’t typically care for sports games, but I loved loved loved the SSX games when I was a kid, and since they probably aren’t gonna keep making those, I would love something that brings me the same level of joy those games did.

I legitimately chanted “PAUL RYAN 2017" at my girlfriend yesterday when we were talking about how much we hate Trump and Pence. I hope they both get fucking impeached. And I didn’t even want George W. Bush impeached.

I had an Election Day party (which was, by the way, the worst party I’ve ever thrown), and a friend of mine brought me a copy of Bloodborne he was accidentally sent with the copy of Mario Maker he bought. In his words, “I don’t need that kind of stress in my life.” So, to get out some aggression, I’m going to try to

Is this like the animator suffering a heart attack in Monty Python & the Holy Grail, removing the peril?

I’m imagining Lin singing Burr’s parts of “Your Obedient Servant” and it just feels like it doesn’t work. I love hearing Leslie Odom Jr.’s rich baritone bringing out the more intense moments of Aaron Burr. I could not imagine LMM being able to deliver “Wait For It” or “The World Was Wide Enough” like Odom.

For what it’s worth, the Modcloth popup store that opened in Portland was extremely good about having a truly wide array of different sizes for the clothes they were selling when they were still operational. It was a really useful thing, and I imagine that was part of the shop’s success.

Everyone else nailed down the black names, but here’s some white-ass names:

When I was 11, a friend and I were trying to find an emulator for a game on his computer.

Dear sweet lord, that title felt like a suckerpunch in the temple. That’s crazy harsh, man.

The moment where I was shocked that she didn’t short-circuit with uncontrollable laughter was when he said he “sincerely doubts” she’s going to win the election.


I was born in ‘90 and I used the hell out of AIM. So, your mileage may vary?

Can’t we have ONE conversation about feminism where men get to be in charge?!

Also of note: where the fuck is Dick Cheney during this whole mess? Did Karl Rove forget to let him out of his crypt again?

I’m jumping off a goddamn bridge.

People used to call my son “a flirt” when he was 2-3. Made me uncomfortable as hell. I get that it’s supposed to be cute, but I feel like it’s really gross to sexualize children, no matter what. I feel the same way about all of the gross shirts that people put kids in that say all the same shit. It’s not cute. It’s