

I still haven’t watched that one! I really should - I legitimately enjoyed LA Noire. I can see that being a lotta fun!

The only solo LPer I really like is EpicNameBro, and that’s because he goes deep into the lore and mechanics of the games he’s playing - From Software games (Dark Souls, Demon Souls, Bloodborne) specifically. If you’re nerdy about that shit, he’s a great LPer.

I’m 5'8 and was married for 7 years. And we have a kid. I’m baffled by this whole “5'8 is short” shit.

This makes me feel unsafe.

I’m not much of an anime fan, but I adore DBZ.

I mean hell, my frame of reference for “heroin addict” is Charlie on Lost, which is a sanitized version of what actual addiction looks like, and that was enough for me to know that you don’t fuck with heroin. It isn’t like the non-using public isn’t aware of how ugly and destructive heroin/crack/meth/etc. are.

Now add the ability to hide all the links to apps I’m never going to download (Plex, Crackle, Vudu, HBO Go because I have XFinity who don’t allow you to use HBO Go on PS3/4) and I’ll be a happy camper.

From one autistic person to another: I do this too, and I appreciate that you’ve done this here.

I don’t know why but my brain Jerry Maguire’d their slogan and transformed it into “Fewer Ingredients, Less Pizza”.

No. If you spend a considerable amount of time playing a game, you don’t get to ask for a refund because you don’t like it. You can spend 25+ hours playing a game and not like it, but you not enjoying something does not actually mean you’re entitled to a refund. It isn’t anti-consumer to recognize that the belief that

You’re right! You not having an issue with having your dick grabbed by strangers means NOBODY should have a problem with being harassed in public.

He said he’s queer, not that he’s gay.

I do this with the cherry ones. I didn’t know anyone else did this. I appreciate you for making me feel less weird.

I prefer to keep my game machine and my pornography delivery machine separate.

I’m in Portland. No big deal! I’m not too afraid to share my whereabouts.

Is this like that musical from last year that was about the making of another musical? Cause this meta shit is bananas, man.

I live in Oregon and I didn’t know we had a Dallas. I assumed you weren’t from here and were talking about The Dalles until I googled it.

My girlfriend and I BOTH caught a Meowth that became a Zubat.

Remember that time there was a Pokemon that was just a normal snake