I mentioned it to my girlfriend today - she’s been out of town and hasn’t been able to play. I told her they changed the three-steps, so she pulled out her phone and looked at the “Nearby” screen and didn’t even notice they were gone.
I mentioned it to my girlfriend today - she’s been out of town and hasn’t been able to play. I told her they changed the three-steps, so she pulled out her phone and looked at the “Nearby” screen and didn’t even notice they were gone.
I don’t think I realized Serebii was a person, not just an institution. I love your shit. You’re fantastic.
I’ve been playing since Gen I and while those designs were classic, lots of them would get flack now. Ekans and Arbok are just poorly-named snakes. Grimer and Muk are just gross puddles. Kakuna and Metapod are just goddamn cocoons. And that’s just lazy designs, I’m not even thinking about the stupid, silly ones, like…
That furtive pygmy, so easily forgotten.
For what it’s worth, once I actually get on, I don’t have any real issues anymore! I haven’t had to force quit because of being frozen somewhere in a few days!
I circle my finger around the Pokeball. No idea if it does anything but I like doing it. I feel like I’m soothing the Mon I just threw the ball at.
A lot of the time, when I’m put into a situation where I have to be in a large group of people or talk to people I don’t know, I lock up. Like, my muscles constrict and my heart rate races, and I can’t function. Being in a large group of people with more than one conversation happening makes my brain short circuit,…
Now, take a closer look... Have you worked out what we’re looking for?... Correct. The answer is Pokemon.
I don’t know if that’s true. Part of the fun and excitement of Pokemon Go is the hunting aspect. You’re searching for the Pokemon you want, and when it shows up, you’re elated. While I appreciate this app, I feel like it would eliminate parts of the thrill of excitement and wonder that are part of the backbone of this…
Isn’t it so neat to meet someone who is an atheist? Aren’t the always so enlightened? It’s so great to hear from people who aren’t religious. They’re always so polite and respectful about it!
I don’t know if I’m the only one, but I definitely am still very into the game even with the issues. Sure, it crashes a bunch and is very buggy, but I’m getting to the point where
a) these issues are lessening, to a degree, and
b) I kinda expect them, and I know it will only improve.
The part I’m missing is, why does that bother you? He’s not telling you not to enjoy the game. He’s not saying you shouldn’t enjoy the game. He’s saying, “This is what I thought, I don’t think it’s that great.” Nowhere does he say, “If you own this, don’t like it.” Nowhere does he even say, “I didn’t like this, so…
Pot kettle black, dude.
Since when do you have to be wealthy to own a smart phone? And, again: not having a smart phone, and being disabled, aren’t the same thing.
I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not, but assuming it is:
Are they having hipsters sell the product, or did you just throw “hipsters” in there as a buzzword?
Is it possibly because not having a cell phone, and being wheelchair-bound, aren’t the same thing?
I don’t really think anyone in the article is blaming Niantic for making an ARG dependent on mobility for not being handicap-accessible. The article is just a comment on the fact that, for some people, that totally sucks. Were this a smaller game, it may not be as bad, but when everyone around you is talking about,…