
It’s different because, previously, Pokemon games were ones that you could play sitting still. The way this game works is completely different from the ones before it.

Why? What’s the issue with this? It’s about people who love something feeling left out because they physically cannot take part in it. This is a problem if you’re a 13-year-old Pokemon fan in a wheelchair, or a 52-year-old fan in a wheelchair.

As an incredibly massive fan of Adventure Time: I NEED THIS IN MY LIFE RIGHT THIS VERY MOMENT.

The part that baffles me is that it’s not exactly difficult to glean what it is based on the headline itself: It’s an article about saving data while playing Pokemon Go, so it’s pretty obvious that it’s a Pokemon-centric mobile game. But, really, the notion that you’re somehow cool or witty because you don’t know

Man, there’s a lot of replies here that I want to call out, but I don’t want to ungray them.

Just curious, where in OR are you? If you’re near Portland, let’s go catch Pokemon once you get going.

We all 100% absolutely believe that you’re actually going to do that. We also definitely care.

This. It would be one thing if it was just the games, but the fact that you get all three, plus the DLC, and a bunch of commentary and stuff, makes this a total no-brainer if you’re a fan of the series. I’m absolutely delighted to be able to play through these games again on my PS4.

I went into Infinite almost completely blind and was truly, truly in love with every single moment of it. The ending stuck with me for months after. I’m not sure where everyone else is, but both BioShock and BioShock Infinite are among my favorite games of all time. Do they have issues? No question. But they’re just

Oh my god! Mabel, Frank, get it together!

It looks like the deer turned into a railing.

I mean, yes.


Who? What young person isn’t aware of Watergate?

I really, really, really hate that this is a thing. It was called the “Watergate Scandal” because it happened at the goddamn Watergate Hotel.


I severely dislike Weezer’s albums after Pinkerton. Despite this, I saw Weezer last year and they crushed it. Just a fantastic hits set. Just astounding work. Worth everyone’s time.

I’m just curious: why are you so angry? Your responses seem really aggressive.

Precisely where my brain went.

Bioshock: Infinite did this, and it’s honestly one of my favorite things about that game. You’re with another person, but she can’t be killed, and she tosses you ammo and such. It’s a lovely mechanic of that game, and I imagine it will be similar in this one - though with a lot more depth. I highly doubt you’re gonna