
As an aspie: yes yes yes yes yes this very much yes

The last time I flew out of state, the turbulence turned the flight into a rock polisher. The pilot repeatedly got on the intercom to apologize for how awful it was. I had a panic attack in the air, and while I mostly kept my composure, the first thing I did when I got off the plane was walked calmly to the bathroom

He isn’t wrong, though. I think Pewdiepie is deplorable, even if he’s making less gay jokes now. His comment was based on knowing that a lot of people would say that “used to be horrible” is incorrect because it implies that he’s stopped.

I’ve said that for years. I’ve been listening to his work since I was 13 and Feeling Kinda Patton dropped on my unsuspecting head like a bolt from the blue. It has been beautiful watching his comedy and his subject matter progress from the Plan-B bit on Werewolves & Lollipops to the stuff about his daughter on Finest

Dear lord, this is adorable.

The way you’ve used that gif is... it’s just magical.

Good lord, that was an unsettlingly funny joke.

Sorry, I’ll get right on changing my favorite because it doesn’t jive with yours.

Luke, thank you for the lovely Mitchell & Webb reference. That is possibly my favorite sketch show of all time.


My girlfriend’s mother is pretty open with her (and me, by just being in her proximity) about her sex life, and I gotta be honest: I’ve come to the conclusion that some things are just best left unsaid. Find a middle ground, keep things sorta vague, and don’t be gross.

I’m sorry, but... that’s the coolest thing I’ve ever seen.

He’s like a white Morgan Freeman. Those dulcet tones are like a sonic quaalude. It’s like if Ben Carson were coherent, and not awful.

Blind? I’m surprised he isn’t working on the guide.

How is Pokemon the “Call of Duty of Nintendo”? This will be the first new gen since ‘13.

Christ, the smarminess of this post is goddamn overwhelming.

Roger Ebert once said, “No good movie is too long, and no bad movie is short enough.” I don’t care how long a game is, if it sticks with me, it was worth my time. Games like Gone Home and Journey are short, but they’re experiences. I haven’t played Firewatch, but I imagine it’s the same: short, but meaningful in some

I spent $18 on snacks so that my girlfriend, her high school friend, and I could have munchies while high in a hotel on Thursday.

Simmer down, Edgy 12-Year-Old Who Just Discovered Jezebel. You can dislike people who don’t affect your life in any way without being miserably bitchy about it. You can just... not listen to his music.

“Imma go research some shit, maybe go crazy” “AIGHT”