How is Pokemon the “Call of Duty of Nintendo”? This will be the first new gen since ‘13.
How is Pokemon the “Call of Duty of Nintendo”? This will be the first new gen since ‘13.
Christ, the smarminess of this post is goddamn overwhelming.
Roger Ebert once said, “No good movie is too long, and no bad movie is short enough.” I don’t care how long a game is, if it sticks with me, it was worth my time. Games like Gone Home and Journey are short, but they’re experiences. I haven’t played Firewatch, but I imagine it’s the same: short, but meaningful in some…
I spent $18 on snacks so that my girlfriend, her high school friend, and I could have munchies while high in a hotel on Thursday.
Simmer down, Edgy 12-Year-Old Who Just Discovered Jezebel. You can dislike people who don’t affect your life in any way without being miserably bitchy about it. You can just... not listen to his music.
“Imma go research some shit, maybe go crazy” “AIGHT”
“There’s no part of that sentence I don’t love.”
Ancient Psychic Tandem Scaleless Dragon!
This is my favorite Dark Souls related video. It’s what I send to newcomers. I quote it regularly in everyday life.
Honestly? Yeah. I enjoyed all three Fable games. They weren’t groundbreaking or anything like that, but I found them to be really fun for what they were. There were a lot of things that could be better, but all I really ask for in a game is that I enjoy the time I spend with it. Those three games were truly enjoyable,…
Cool, explain why. Explain how YouTubers are killing video games.
I get the feeling that you don’t know what you’re talking about, and are 13, and are trying your hardest to seem like you have big, strong opinions on this stuff.
Please, be jerkier about a reasonable question next time.
At this point, Matt the radar technician > TR-8R.
I definitely beat House of Leaves.
Sure, and no man nor god can take away the power we have to look at you and think, “What a pretentious dinosaur. How embarrassing that they insist on pretending to be so smart as a way to mask being so backwards.”
I’m curious, what society finds “identity shenanigans” to be “rude”? Genuinely curious here. I can’t think of anywhere that finds it “rude” to be trans.
Many A True Nerd. He does (for lack of a better word) “themed” runs of Fallout (and others) - he did a no-heal run of New Vegas, a “kill everything” run of Fallout 3, and a no guns run of Mass Effect.
dear fuck what is this
I honestly think this is my favorite Kotaku comment ever. No hyperbole. This is just lovely.