I watched the video, and after that reaction shot the camera crew were careful not to cut away to the audience too much.
I watched the video, and after that reaction shot the camera crew were careful not to cut away to the audience too much.
No human with a fully functional healthy brain is capable of resisting a corgi, even a corgi mix. These dogs were born of sunbeams and smiles.
When I first came to Minneapolis for college, I used to go for long walks. It was a good way to get out and explore this strange new city I was in. There was a Scientology center downtown, right on the main street. I'd never heard of the group at the time. After a series of brutal classes that left one friend and I…
This is not surprising. One of the ways Scientology attracts celebrities through its Celebrity Center is by flattering the hell out of people and by saying it will teach them the confidence to get any job, to deal with anyone and to me amazing. Everyone defers to the famous, they're treated like tiny gods. Even if…
I'm sure this weekend Finchter will be installing separate scrub, procedure and recovery rooms in the Right-to-Life offices. I know that they don't actually perform abortions, but they're involved in abortion legislation so they should really meet the minimum standard.
Count me as one of the ones who wants to pass without comment. I didn't hit the gene jackpot when it comes in to skin. I had shitty luck. So I slap on the primer and foundation just to get up to the normal "oh you look good without makeup" standard and I smile and nod and pretend that my skin is just fine. And…
I always thought he got really lucky to get out of those movies without serious, creepy stalking incident.
I'm not surprised R-Patz has this attitude. The first time I head anything about the Twilight movies press tours, it was that he was rushed by a bunch of fans at a convention who wanted him to bite them. On the neck. He soured on the whole series pretty quick.
Given that they're still making Batman and Superman movies, yep, I'd say it's true. The time frame is variable, but these two are the most reliably exploited DC properties Warner owns. There will always be another Batman or Superman movie. All you have to do is wait.
As for the live action TV shows, that is incredibly recent. Arrow exists off the back of Smallville, and it's commendable that the company is finally starting to use television as a medium through which to push their other properties. I am pleased as punch that they're expanding their mediums, even though this kind…
I'm not sure what you're trying to refute. There are a lot of Batman and Superman movies, and yes you have to wait a while for them sometimes, but there are a lot of them. In that 19 year Superman gap you still had Smallville and Lois & Clark. There will always be more. They are an infinitely exploited property. …
I think the key difference there is that there will always be another Batman or Superman movie. Don't like the last one? Wait five or six years and another one will roll out with a completely new direction. Will it be better? Worse? Who knows, but there will always be another Batman (8 theatrically released live…
Johns combines all the worst impulses in a writer to tear characters apart in order to make them "real." His view of what motivates heroes and villains alike is unhealthy. Waid's Flash was real without needing to be broken, his villains engaging without needing to be damaged. There is a trend that in order for…
You're out of luck then, since DC's current position is, "Wally? What Wally? I don't know what you're talking about because it's not Batman and doesn't have a popped collar." Even Arrow's guest-rumored-to-get-a-spin-off Flash is going to be Barry, and he's going to be written by Geoff…
The Flash is too happy to be made into a Warner Brother superhero movie. Well Wally was anyway, I hear Barry has a serious case of the Dead Parents now, so as long as he's properly mopey I'm sure Warner will get around to it soon enough.
My distaste at this had less to do with the choice of Affleck (do not care) and more to do with everything else I'm hearing about this project. DC's current motto, which Warner has embraced, seems to be, "please, we don't want your money. Keep it."
I don't know, I get a little rankled by the implicated that the elimination of certain kinds of play hurts boys specifically because girls somehow don't get anything out of active narrative play.
If there had been a way to opt out of dodgeball and hunt for praying mantises instead I wold have made my parents sign all the notes. Dodgeball was invented as entertainment for sadists.
They don't have to copy it. If I'd signed that, they would have owned the original work itself. I never trust spec work, 90% of the time it's a scam. It's a game some unethical companies play to get free concept work, and then they hire cheaper artists to incorporate that into their product.
I can't even describe how angry that makes me and how similar that is to my own experience as an intern.