
I remember school being way too busy to worry about finding a romantic partner for more than a week or two at a time. My view is probably skewed because I'm freelance and work within a larger artistic community, so I don't have to worry about "office romances" causing trouble.

I think that in a publicly funded building meant to be for everyone in the community, reasonable accommodations should be made so that as many people as possible can use it. A service dog visiting the building occasionally or even regularly for a few hours at a time is MUCH different from having an animal in

The "suck it up" attitude some people have regarding allergies is frustrating, and underestimates how severe these allergies can be. Few over-the-counter allergy remedies work for me, and only on my much milder dust allergy. Stronger stuff that requires a doctor is out of my uninsured-self's league.

Why is it harder to find a husband "appropriate" for you after you graduate? Is college the only time women encounter men with remotely similar sensibilities/interests?

I get the concept, it just reads to me as "and then he did a thing that proved he wouldn't get the job done" every other sentence. At the end she doesn't even want the basic carnal pleasure of sex. It reads like she *doesn't want to have sex with him*, at all, throughout, and then *really* doesn't want to at the

I never said I was only allergic to cats. I am also allergic to cattle. Fortunately, I don't encounter cattle too often. I make it a point to stay away from farms, petting zoos or other places cattle can reasonably congregate. If the DMV, a facility I have to use, started keeping a cow in the front office "because

Simple: clean the library. Reduce the amount as much as possible. It will probably never be zero now, but a lot can be done by shutting the place down a weekend and cleaning. I've lived in this apartment two years since the cleaning, haven't had a problem since.

I can get having sex with Mr. Redflags McRungirl, provided there's a redeeming quality in there somewhere. Something that makes you think, "I must fuck this person!" It can be silly, weird or stupid, but a reason. He's attractive/charming/witty/funny/dressed really well/likes the same Garfield-Star Wars fanfic as

I'll throw my hat in with the rest of the buzzkills. My allergies can be severe enough that 20 minutes around the wrong cat and my eyes will swell shut, I have difficulty breathing and my skin feels like it's on fire. The apartment I'm in now had two cats in it before I moved in and the landlord had to have the

Similar happens to me depending on the cat. My eyes will swell complete shut for at least an hour and I will have severe difficulty breathing.

This the man version of the princess-cupcake-wedding. The wedding industry spends all this time selling women the idea that this is their special fairy princess day for which they need to spend extravagantly, and now there's the day (or two weeks) where the man gets to be shining-knight-in-a-fancy-car-prince-charming.

Actual men's nail polish colors, offered without comment, taken from Manglaze and Alphanail.

I have a guy friend who just crossed into the 30s threshold. I've known him since we were stupid teenagers and the entire time, he has had in his outline for the future a wife, two kids and a dog, proudly rescued from the same shelter all three of his family's previous dogs have come from.

Here here. Speaking as a woman, a gamer and someone who can drink every guy I know under the table (and have on most New Years), it's frustrating when outsiders decide that the reason I do these things is because I loathe femininity. It's like a weird reverse of the "fake geek girl" thing: women only want to do man

People need to stop implying that when women do things that aren't traditionally feminine, it means they're "imitating men."

Thank you. I've been wondering what else I can do with the lavender salt someone gave me for Christmas (I've been putting it on dark chocolate ice cream or any ice cream with caramel in it).

Please define what a "clean diet" is.

I hate watermarking, but I've had too many friends discover fakes of their work up on ebay or printed on a greeting card. A lot of companies rely on artists being too poor or not aware enough of the products to be able to sue.

Worse is that it's not just limited to inter-tumblr communites. The cabal of sites belonging to the canhaz.cheezburger network are notorious for dipping into tumblr and reposting art with attributions cropped and their own watermark. Buzzfeed is a little better about it at least. And that's aside from companies

Speaking as one of the creative types, yes. We're mostly living a few paycheques above broke. When we can, we take corporate jobs making Flash banners because it pays enough money to keep us creating the really awesome things we might eventually be known for, but in the meantime pay in nothing but tumblr-cred, which